Thermal Touch system and smart glasses will turn any surface into a touchscreen

Augmented reality technologies cause genuine interest not only from developers and techno-geeks, but also from ordinary users who are sure to be interested in the new development of Metaio.
Metaio, which is engaged in the creation of technologies related to augmented reality, introduced a unique system Thermal TouchExpanding the functionality of augmented reality glasses. It will easily turn any surface into a responsive touch screen. This requires smart glasses with a built-in camera and an infrared sensor.

The developers have already revealed some details of the unique system. According to them, an infrared camera is required to detect the heat trace left by the user’s fingers on the surface to which he touches. And at the same time with the infrared sensor works and built-in camera. It captures everything that happens in front of the user and after the appropriate processing, the interactive picture online is displayed on the display of glasses.

Mass adoption of the unique technology is expected to begin in about five years. It will find a lot of applications – from virtual games to three-dimensional visualization of graphic projects.



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