Animals that you hardly knew existed
1. whalegrowth
We do not know to whom this rare bird so resembled a whale, but it seems to us that the head of this royal heron looks more like a shoe. This amazing bird is the owner of a unique blue plumage. The habitat of the whaler is the tropical swamps of East Africa from Sudan to Zambia. The bird is far from small and in height can reach 110-152 cm.
2. okapi
This animal is a distant relative, there is no zebra, and not even a horse, and no more than a giraffe! Okapi is a typical animal of the Republic of Congo in Central Africa.
3. Paku fish
This is literally a toothy fish in the waters of South America. Paku is the owner of an almost complete set of teeth very similar to human. No wonder these fish are related to piranhas.
4. Panda ant
Despite the name, in fact, it is a type of wasp (German wasp). Wingless females really look more like huge furry ants. They were first found in Chile. Although the color makes them very cute, be careful, do not forget that they are wasps and they have a sting.
5. narwal
Narwhal is a species of whale that has teeth and lives in the Arctic. The whale is easily recognizable because of its large horn. Many people call it the ocean unicorn.
This fish, found near the Galapagos Islands, does not know how to swim. Instead of the usual method of transportation for fish, it “walks” on its unusual pectoral fins.
7. Blind snake
This species of snake that lives in the Amazon has no eyes. The animal itself, thanks to its fin, resembles an eel, but most people call it a blind snake.
8. BeetleUmboniaspinosa
Scientists, having discovered this amazing species of beetle, were truly at a dead end. It is believed that the beetle is a close relative of cicadas. A sharp spike on his back helps him cut the stems of the plants he feeds on.
9. tenrek
The striped tenrec lives in Madagascar. Tenrek skin is covered with tiny needles. This is the only mammal that uses chirping as its primary sound. This sound is typical only for snakes and insects.
10. Common tongue
A butterfly that is like a hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers.
11. Blue Dragon orGlaucusAtlanticus
In fact, it is a type of gastropod. This animal is able to move on the surface of the water, due to a special organ-bag filled with gas in the stomach. This amazing animal lives in warm ocean currents.
12. peacock
Mantis shrimp is also called “shrimp killer” or “sea locust”. The jaws of this type of cancer are so strong that the bite is comparable to the defeat from a shot. For fans of aquariums, unfortunately, there is bad news – these crustaceans can not be kept in aquariums. Since such a powerful jaw can affect not only the neighbors in the aquarium, but also the glass walls of the aquarium itself.
13. Venezuelan poodle moth
This species of furry moth, in fact, and therefore the mole poodle, was discovered only in 2009 in Venezuela.
14. Giant isopod (equal-legged)
This species is the largest among all living on Earth. It owes its size to its habitat – the bottom of the ocean. Animals capable of living at the very bottom of the ocean suffer from deep-sea gigantism. This means that any, for example, crustacean from the bottom of the ocean will be larger than a crustacean from shallow water. It's like this animal came to us from prehistoric times, and frankly, it is.
15. Saiga or saiga
Saiga is a species of antelope known for its truly amazing nose. The species is in danger of extinction. In China and Mongolia, considered the main habitat of this nosey antelope, it is unlikely to be found.
16. Woolly tree viper
This snake can be found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa. The viper hunts mainly at night. But, despite its rather sinister appearance, the rough wood viper is one of the smallest snakes on Earth. In length it reaches no more than 78 cm.
17. Blue parrotfish
This funny parrot fish on average grows from 30 to 75 cm, but there are specimens up to 1.2 meters in length. Parrotfish spend most of their time looking for food.
18. Purple or purple frog
This species of frog is quite rare, and it can be found only in India. Unlike its relatives, this species of amphibians has a more rounded shape and a pointed muzzle. Surprisingly, the purple frog spends most of the time a year underground, coming to the surface only for 2 weeks.
19. Moloch
This lizard looks so much like a little dragon, none other than Moloch. Molochs live mostly in the desert of Australia. The body of the lizard is covered with sharp needles, which it uses to scare away predators. Molokhov can be safely called centenarians, since they live on average up to 20 years, which exceeds the age of any other lizard.
20. The porpoise
The porpoise (not to be confused with a mammal) is a close relative of the sea cucumber. They have enlarged tube legs and live on the bottom of the ocean.
Source: /users/147
We do not know to whom this rare bird so resembled a whale, but it seems to us that the head of this royal heron looks more like a shoe. This amazing bird is the owner of a unique blue plumage. The habitat of the whaler is the tropical swamps of East Africa from Sudan to Zambia. The bird is far from small and in height can reach 110-152 cm.
2. okapi
This animal is a distant relative, there is no zebra, and not even a horse, and no more than a giraffe! Okapi is a typical animal of the Republic of Congo in Central Africa.
3. Paku fish
This is literally a toothy fish in the waters of South America. Paku is the owner of an almost complete set of teeth very similar to human. No wonder these fish are related to piranhas.
4. Panda ant
Despite the name, in fact, it is a type of wasp (German wasp). Wingless females really look more like huge furry ants. They were first found in Chile. Although the color makes them very cute, be careful, do not forget that they are wasps and they have a sting.
5. narwal
Narwhal is a species of whale that has teeth and lives in the Arctic. The whale is easily recognizable because of its large horn. Many people call it the ocean unicorn.
This fish, found near the Galapagos Islands, does not know how to swim. Instead of the usual method of transportation for fish, it “walks” on its unusual pectoral fins.
7. Blind snake
This species of snake that lives in the Amazon has no eyes. The animal itself, thanks to its fin, resembles an eel, but most people call it a blind snake.
8. BeetleUmboniaspinosa
Scientists, having discovered this amazing species of beetle, were truly at a dead end. It is believed that the beetle is a close relative of cicadas. A sharp spike on his back helps him cut the stems of the plants he feeds on.
9. tenrek
The striped tenrec lives in Madagascar. Tenrek skin is covered with tiny needles. This is the only mammal that uses chirping as its primary sound. This sound is typical only for snakes and insects.
10. Common tongue
A butterfly that is like a hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers.
11. Blue Dragon orGlaucusAtlanticus
In fact, it is a type of gastropod. This animal is able to move on the surface of the water, due to a special organ-bag filled with gas in the stomach. This amazing animal lives in warm ocean currents.
12. peacock
Mantis shrimp is also called “shrimp killer” or “sea locust”. The jaws of this type of cancer are so strong that the bite is comparable to the defeat from a shot. For fans of aquariums, unfortunately, there is bad news – these crustaceans can not be kept in aquariums. Since such a powerful jaw can affect not only the neighbors in the aquarium, but also the glass walls of the aquarium itself.
13. Venezuelan poodle moth
This species of furry moth, in fact, and therefore the mole poodle, was discovered only in 2009 in Venezuela.
14. Giant isopod (equal-legged)
This species is the largest among all living on Earth. It owes its size to its habitat – the bottom of the ocean. Animals capable of living at the very bottom of the ocean suffer from deep-sea gigantism. This means that any, for example, crustacean from the bottom of the ocean will be larger than a crustacean from shallow water. It's like this animal came to us from prehistoric times, and frankly, it is.
15. Saiga or saiga
Saiga is a species of antelope known for its truly amazing nose. The species is in danger of extinction. In China and Mongolia, considered the main habitat of this nosey antelope, it is unlikely to be found.
16. Woolly tree viper
This snake can be found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa. The viper hunts mainly at night. But, despite its rather sinister appearance, the rough wood viper is one of the smallest snakes on Earth. In length it reaches no more than 78 cm.
17. Blue parrotfish
This funny parrot fish on average grows from 30 to 75 cm, but there are specimens up to 1.2 meters in length. Parrotfish spend most of their time looking for food.
18. Purple or purple frog
This species of frog is quite rare, and it can be found only in India. Unlike its relatives, this species of amphibians has a more rounded shape and a pointed muzzle. Surprisingly, the purple frog spends most of the time a year underground, coming to the surface only for 2 weeks.
19. Moloch
This lizard looks so much like a little dragon, none other than Moloch. Molochs live mostly in the desert of Australia. The body of the lizard is covered with sharp needles, which it uses to scare away predators. Molokhov can be safely called centenarians, since they live on average up to 20 years, which exceeds the age of any other lizard.
20. The porpoise
The porpoise (not to be confused with a mammal) is a close relative of the sea cucumber. They have enlarged tube legs and live on the bottom of the ocean.
Source: /users/147