The world-famous Santa Claus ...
Originally, Santa Claus was "bad guys." he carried naughty children bear and collected sacrifice. But eventually became a very good and instead of sacrifices began to give gifts.
Santa Claus has been around for nearly two thousand years. During all this time he was in different images. Initially it looked like a pagan god of winter roads.
It's funny, but in Cyprus Santa Claus called Vasya. Maybe it's our tourists tried XDD
Deer living in the estate of Santa Claus named Leszek is his darling ~
Surely not everyone knows, but still, our beloved Santa Claus has zhonushka - Winter ~
In our time, perhaps, impossible to imagine that ... BUT! In the XX century Santa ice creams almost disappeared. Soon after the revolution, decided to celebrate Christmas and New Year is not very good and it was banned. Yet in 1935 a ban on new year finally took off.
Almost all of the mascot for the New Year - Santa Claus, but the Finns this holiday represents a goat.
Even the Santa Claus has its own dressing room in his mansion, which is derived under the whole room.