Injections of oxytocin are good for bones and muscle mass in the elderly
Scientists at the University of Berkeley found that injections of this hormone slows down muscle loss and improve bone health.
The results of the study showed not only the effectiveness of oxytocin for treatment of muscle atrophy in the elderly. Unlike other drugs, the hormone does not cause cancer and helps old people recover from muscle injuries faster. Professor of bioengineering Irina Conboy: "unfortunately, most of the molecules discovered so far to boost tissue regeneration are associated with cancer, limiting their potential to treat people. Our searches helped us to find a molecule that not only rejuvenates old muscle and other tissues, but it does so sustainably long-term without increased risk of tumor development".

To determine the role of oxytocin in muscle repair, hormone injected under the skin of old mice for nine days.Scientists have found that muscles in mice that received injections healed far better than those of a control group of mice without oxytocin.Researcher Christian Elabd said, "the Action of oxytocin was fast. The restoration of muscles in the old mice was at about 80 percent.
The researchers also found that blocking the effects of oxytocin in young mice, it is possible to reduce their ability to repair muscle, which resembled old tissue after an injury.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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