Scientists fear may lead to death
In the period of long research, scientists have concluded that fear can trigger the person a lot of stress, and it can respectively lead to heart attack and death. It is no secret that heart attacks in the ratio of 50: 50 lead to terrible consequences including sudden death.
According to experts in the field of practical medicine, this phenomenon is initiated by the emission of large quantities a special hormonal substances, is activated only during the strongest emotional turmoil. Under the influence of this hormone some of the bacterial elements penetrate into the blood vessels, breaking the bloodstream and causing, thus, his violation.
From the point of view of the experts in the field of biology, the bacteria of this class are present in humans in very large quantities, a thin layer covering the entire hematopoietic system. For this reason, experts converge in opinion, that fear and emotional distress, it is better to minimize it, without giving them any development.
Source: globalscience.ru