Scientists have found the main cause of premature birth
Five million six hundred thirty thousand seven hundred fifty three
Australian scientists was recently clarified the main reason for childbirth, so that, in their opinion, in the near future tools will be developed to prevent any danger of miscarriages and education of the adverse symptoms of the disease.
As it was well established team that is responsible for the research process, the date of the birth of the child is determined by the protein produced by the female body. This product and starts the process of childbirth, causing the uterus starts to give reduction.
Scientists say that information about hormonal products have been known for a long time, but until the current time they did not have accurate data on a specific protein, for the fact responsible. All the information on the study at a press conference to journalists was presented by Professor Sean Armorer, specializing in the experiments in the Institute of Melbourne.
Source: globalscience.ru
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