Prepare children rules children's cooking
The concept of "children's cooking" is not very common we have, but that doesn't mean it's not important. Parents need to prepare children with the knowledge of what foods and what age is acceptable for a child, and in compliance with the methods of preparation that are useful for children. For this we suggest you read the basic rules of children's cookery.
When you are preparing for a child, you face plenty of challenges: to keep the nutritional and vitamin value of food and make the food digestible, tasty and attractive in appearance (because kids are often initially look at how appetizing it looks cooked dish). To all tasks to execute, you just need to follow some rules of children's cookery. Read and memorize!
Basic rules for a children's cooking
1. If you take kids recipes from trusted sources, pay attention to how long you need to process certain food cooked. It is very important not to overdo the dish, otherwise you'll get destroyed most of the vitamins, but you need zagotoviti dish: undercooked and nedosushennye products, your child may get an infection.
2. We already wrote about the seasonings in the child's diet, but recall that in the diet of children should not be used too sharp, pungent and overly spicy additives and seasonings. If you want to enrich the taste of food, use Bay leaf, celery, onions or parsley.
3. Be sure to observe the rules of hygiene. For a child can be prepared in a separate, reserved only for these purposes ware. Is he also needs his personal utensils. And don't forget to sterilize or scald the bottle fed babies.
4. Clean the vegetables and cut them just before cooking — do not keep them long in water because it is moving vitamins and mineral salts. If the child has grown up, and you decided to give him raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) carefully wash them, it is advisable to rinse with boiling water to avoid contact with the possible bacteria in the baby's body.
5. Pay attention to the expiration date of the products you plan to use in the diet of the baby. The child's diet should consist of fresh produce! Ideally, to prepare the child for once: he's prepared, he ate. Next meal — new session of cooking. Doctors say that it affects the health of the child. After all, when warming up meals vitamins and minerals are being actively depleted. If cooking for the future cannot be avoided, observe sanitary-hygienic requirements: maintain cleanliness of storage locations, containers and packaging for storage; avoid contact of ready meals and food that is eaten without further treatment, as well as contact with raw food, semi-processed and contaminated products.
5. Follow the rules of food storage for kids. For example, often the storage of salads and vegetable dishes nitrates contained in them are converted to nitrites, which are hazardous compounds for the body of the baby: they can cause not only poisoning, but the deterioration of mental and physical development of the child. Be careful and meticulous in this matter.
6. For small children preferred such methods of cooking as propuskanii (boiling products in a tightly sealed container in a small amount of water or broth or in its own juice), boiling water, braising, roasting in the oven or cooking in a double boiler. But here I want to share with you a number of recommendations:
8. Remember that children under 2 years can't buy strong meat or fish broth. The fact that fish and meat contain a lot of purines and nitrogen bases (substances which stimulate the digestive and nervous system, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and increase the load on the kidneys), which when cooking pass into broth.
9. Follow the consistency of the food of the child, given his age:
Let your toddler eat healthy and tasty food made by your loving hands!
Source: www.gastronom.ru
When you are preparing for a child, you face plenty of challenges: to keep the nutritional and vitamin value of food and make the food digestible, tasty and attractive in appearance (because kids are often initially look at how appetizing it looks cooked dish). To all tasks to execute, you just need to follow some rules of children's cookery. Read and memorize!

Basic rules for a children's cooking
1. If you take kids recipes from trusted sources, pay attention to how long you need to process certain food cooked. It is very important not to overdo the dish, otherwise you'll get destroyed most of the vitamins, but you need zagotoviti dish: undercooked and nedosushennye products, your child may get an infection.
2. We already wrote about the seasonings in the child's diet, but recall that in the diet of children should not be used too sharp, pungent and overly spicy additives and seasonings. If you want to enrich the taste of food, use Bay leaf, celery, onions or parsley.
3. Be sure to observe the rules of hygiene. For a child can be prepared in a separate, reserved only for these purposes ware. Is he also needs his personal utensils. And don't forget to sterilize or scald the bottle fed babies.
4. Clean the vegetables and cut them just before cooking — do not keep them long in water because it is moving vitamins and mineral salts. If the child has grown up, and you decided to give him raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) carefully wash them, it is advisable to rinse with boiling water to avoid contact with the possible bacteria in the baby's body.
5. Pay attention to the expiration date of the products you plan to use in the diet of the baby. The child's diet should consist of fresh produce! Ideally, to prepare the child for once: he's prepared, he ate. Next meal — new session of cooking. Doctors say that it affects the health of the child. After all, when warming up meals vitamins and minerals are being actively depleted. If cooking for the future cannot be avoided, observe sanitary-hygienic requirements: maintain cleanliness of storage locations, containers and packaging for storage; avoid contact of ready meals and food that is eaten without further treatment, as well as contact with raw food, semi-processed and contaminated products.
5. Follow the rules of food storage for kids. For example, often the storage of salads and vegetable dishes nitrates contained in them are converted to nitrites, which are hazardous compounds for the body of the baby: they can cause not only poisoning, but the deterioration of mental and physical development of the child. Be careful and meticulous in this matter.
6. For small children preferred such methods of cooking as propuskanii (boiling products in a tightly sealed container in a small amount of water or broth or in its own juice), boiling water, braising, roasting in the oven or cooking in a double boiler. But here I want to share with you a number of recommendations:
- If you want to cook a stew propuskanii, each kind of vegetables you want to embarrass separately and then mixed.
- Experts recommend, if when roasting the vegetables or meat form a crust, it should be removed before the dish gets to the table child. To reduce the loss of nutrients and vitamins, vegetables just immerse in boiling water and don't overcook. Cook the vegetables with the lid on and low heat.
- By the way, remove the vegetables from the broth immediately after cooking, otherwise the flavor can be ruined.
- Steaming is sometimes claimed as the best method of cooking for baby: the dishes in this case, it is more juicy and appetizing, while retaining the highest possible percentage of nutrients.
8. Remember that children under 2 years can't buy strong meat or fish broth. The fact that fish and meat contain a lot of purines and nitrogen bases (substances which stimulate the digestive and nervous system, irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and increase the load on the kidneys), which when cooking pass into broth.
9. Follow the consistency of the food of the child, given his age:
- Kids before the advent of teeth to prepare semi-liquid puree.
- From about 8-11 months thickening food, introduce very small pieces.
- With a little luau baby fresh apples and pears, peeled and cut into slices. Will also fit a turnip or carrot. Scarce about them sharpens his teeth and gets vitamins. Suitable drying and special baby biscuits.
Let your toddler eat healthy and tasty food made by your loving hands!
Source: www.gastronom.ru