Astronomers have exposed in space a giant diamond the size of our planet

Astronomers have made a grand assumption: they believe that one of the recently discovered dim stars is nothing more than a huge diamond. According to the assumption of astronomers, in the depths of this white dwarf are boundless reserves of crystallized carbon.

Perhaps this sensational discovery will allow astronomers to take a fresh look at the universe's reserves of minerals. We are talking about the coldest and dimmest star discovered by astronomers for all time observations. In fact, it is a dead star, the cooled plasma of which eventually crystallized into a celestial diamond.

The natal chart of this discovery will not change, but it can reasonably form the basis of other sensational discoveries. Finding this level is always a great holiday for astronomy. To detect such a star is incredibly difficult, as it is characterized by extremely low luminosity. So commented on the discovery of one of the leading experts of the project David Kaplan.

The diamond is over 11 billion years old. If this is true, then this star originated during the formation of the Milky Way. According to astronomers, a giant diamond is the final stage of development of any star.



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