How to learn to live with diabetes
Diabetes refers to those common diseases that we have all heard about, but about which people know little. Meanwhile, there are diabetes insulin-dependent and insulin-independent. Despite the apparent commonality of ailments, they differ in the effects on the body.
Insulin-dependent diabetes, or type I diabetes, is a hereditary disease caused by the predisposition.
Generally, its beginning occurs in acute form in childhood or adolescence. To hyperglycemia has not passed in a diabetic coma, patients are prescribed insulin. In addition, in the Arsenal of physicians, there is a huge catalogue of medical developments that improve the lives of patients.
Diabetes type II diabetes is non-insulin dependent form of diabetes, even if insulin has been assigned at deterioration. In this variation, the disease still remains insulin-independent, but becomes temporarily insulinopotrebny. This type of diabetes develops gradually. The main group of patients are people of Mature and retirement age.
If SD is a consequence of the destruction with the subsequent disruption of the pituitary, thyroid or other endocrine glands, we are talking about symptomatic or secondary diabetes.
How not to miss the first symptoms?
Diabetes of the first type is easily confused with the regular school fatigue, and slight weight loss, due to stress or changes in hormone levels growing body. Meanwhile, fatigue, weight loss and quality of vision, constant thirst, and are thus the first bell, which it is important not to miss.
If the moment was missed, the second stage becomes sudden ketoacidosis. It is very similar to food poisoning, with one exception: in addition to nausea and vomiting in a patient marked drowsiness and confusion. Also the DM in this case will indicate an acetone aroma of the mouth.
Why do I need insulin therapy?
With the development of SD break mechanisms of the formation of the body with the necessary portions of insulin, responsible for what the pancreas. After eating the substance stops being thrown into the blood, which cells lose their ability to absorb glucose from the bloodstream, so it is not lowered.
The reasons why insulin is not injected into the bloodstream of people with diabetes types I and II, different, but the need to simulate natural mechanisms remains the same in patients of both groups.
The dose of the substance is selected strictly individually. This is considered to be the entire volume of carbohydrates that enters the body with food. Based on the amount, calculated an insulin dose required for leveling.
On the influence of diet on tests
Control the level of carbohydrates will not constitute a waiver of the usual diet. From the diet will have to remove only sweet. Otherwise, people may use conventional products, if there is no purpose to lose weight.
You also need to remember that the level of sugar in the blood depends not only on the amount of carbohydrates contained in the Apple and milk. The meter readings will be affected as time of day and time of year. In addition, to make some adjustments in readings can a cold or the degree of thisactivity patient.
That is why every patient with diabetes type I is obliged to control the level of sugar in the blood, in order to calculate the correct dose of the hormone. Helps a diary of self-observation.
How to do the injections?
For insulin-dependent diabetes type I develop different patterns of combination of "short", "medium" and "long" insulins, which differ by the duration of therapeutic effects. The schemes are designed as accurately as possible to simulate the functioning of a healthy pancreas.
In preparing the plan take into account the patient's age, his routine associated with illness and other life circumstances. Alternating "short" and "long" hormones, as well as the choice of body area for injections is tedious in terms of control. Therefore, tools have been developed to facilitate the administration of the drug.
The most common among them are the modern insulin pump Medtronic. The device is an electronic unit, a reservoir for a drug, a conductive tube and needle, which is attached under the skin.
The pump is programmed for each patient, and then in automatic mode continuously delivers insulin into the blood. This achieves the most accurate simulation of "natural" work of the pancreas.
Life with diabetes
Diabetes, if it appeared, remains a way of life, it is not disturbing to reach the top career in various professions. Refusal of certain foods and monitoring blood sugar will help to keep the indicators in the right borders to avoid ill health.
In addition, exercise can significantly help in reducing glucose levels. Correctly selected fiznagruzki able to take up to 30% of glucose, thereby lowering daily insulin requirements in DM I type. If we are talking about diabetes type II, to completely normalize the blood pressure and blood sugar levels will help a 45-minute fitness classes.
Source: zeleneet.com
Insulin-dependent diabetes, or type I diabetes, is a hereditary disease caused by the predisposition.

Generally, its beginning occurs in acute form in childhood or adolescence. To hyperglycemia has not passed in a diabetic coma, patients are prescribed insulin. In addition, in the Arsenal of physicians, there is a huge catalogue of medical developments that improve the lives of patients.
Diabetes type II diabetes is non-insulin dependent form of diabetes, even if insulin has been assigned at deterioration. In this variation, the disease still remains insulin-independent, but becomes temporarily insulinopotrebny. This type of diabetes develops gradually. The main group of patients are people of Mature and retirement age.
If SD is a consequence of the destruction with the subsequent disruption of the pituitary, thyroid or other endocrine glands, we are talking about symptomatic or secondary diabetes.
How not to miss the first symptoms?
Diabetes of the first type is easily confused with the regular school fatigue, and slight weight loss, due to stress or changes in hormone levels growing body. Meanwhile, fatigue, weight loss and quality of vision, constant thirst, and are thus the first bell, which it is important not to miss.
If the moment was missed, the second stage becomes sudden ketoacidosis. It is very similar to food poisoning, with one exception: in addition to nausea and vomiting in a patient marked drowsiness and confusion. Also the DM in this case will indicate an acetone aroma of the mouth.
Why do I need insulin therapy?
With the development of SD break mechanisms of the formation of the body with the necessary portions of insulin, responsible for what the pancreas. After eating the substance stops being thrown into the blood, which cells lose their ability to absorb glucose from the bloodstream, so it is not lowered.
The reasons why insulin is not injected into the bloodstream of people with diabetes types I and II, different, but the need to simulate natural mechanisms remains the same in patients of both groups.
The dose of the substance is selected strictly individually. This is considered to be the entire volume of carbohydrates that enters the body with food. Based on the amount, calculated an insulin dose required for leveling.
On the influence of diet on tests
Control the level of carbohydrates will not constitute a waiver of the usual diet. From the diet will have to remove only sweet. Otherwise, people may use conventional products, if there is no purpose to lose weight.
You also need to remember that the level of sugar in the blood depends not only on the amount of carbohydrates contained in the Apple and milk. The meter readings will be affected as time of day and time of year. In addition, to make some adjustments in readings can a cold or the degree of thisactivity patient.
That is why every patient with diabetes type I is obliged to control the level of sugar in the blood, in order to calculate the correct dose of the hormone. Helps a diary of self-observation.
How to do the injections?
For insulin-dependent diabetes type I develop different patterns of combination of "short", "medium" and "long" insulins, which differ by the duration of therapeutic effects. The schemes are designed as accurately as possible to simulate the functioning of a healthy pancreas.
In preparing the plan take into account the patient's age, his routine associated with illness and other life circumstances. Alternating "short" and "long" hormones, as well as the choice of body area for injections is tedious in terms of control. Therefore, tools have been developed to facilitate the administration of the drug.
The most common among them are the modern insulin pump Medtronic. The device is an electronic unit, a reservoir for a drug, a conductive tube and needle, which is attached under the skin.
The pump is programmed for each patient, and then in automatic mode continuously delivers insulin into the blood. This achieves the most accurate simulation of "natural" work of the pancreas.
Life with diabetes
Diabetes, if it appeared, remains a way of life, it is not disturbing to reach the top career in various professions. Refusal of certain foods and monitoring blood sugar will help to keep the indicators in the right borders to avoid ill health.
In addition, exercise can significantly help in reducing glucose levels. Correctly selected fiznagruzki able to take up to 30% of glucose, thereby lowering daily insulin requirements in DM I type. If we are talking about diabetes type II, to completely normalize the blood pressure and blood sugar levels will help a 45-minute fitness classes.
Source: zeleneet.com
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