Scientists have presented a diagnostic that differentiates psoriasis from eczema

Due to the similar external manifestations dermatologists for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema used their own experiences, tests on the tissue.

A team of researchers from Helmholtz and the Technical University of Munich, under the guidance of Dr. Stefanie Eyerich, and Kilian Eyerich Professor, analyzed the molecular processes that occur in both diseases and discovered significant differences. This allowed them to gain a detailed understanding of how the process of each disease. Based on these data German researchers have developed a diagnostic procedure, which allows to reliably differentiate psoriasis and eczema, on the basis of only two genes.

Dr. Eyerich explains: "Both diseases have a highly complex appearance, which often varies widely, depending on the patient. This has led previous attempts of their molecular comparisons to fail. In this study, we identified 24 patients who were suffering simultaneously from psoriasis and eczema and in each case analyzed characteristic differences at the molecular level."

Co-author Professor Fabian theis adds: "We thus were able to drastically reduce random genetic or other effects and to obtain a detailed picture of the development of these two diseases." The test, which the researchers have filed a patent application compares the samples of affected and healthy skin in one day.
