Thermal imaging can be in the service of the Builder and the homeowner
With the advent of diagnostic imaging no longer need to be implemented in the design to determine the tightness or leakage of heat. A thermal imager cannot see through walls, but clearly captures a thermal image, which is hidden from the naked eye. This picture is formed in the infrared range. Now you do not need to disassemble the roof, open floors and panelling, to determine the technical condition of the hidden layers. The imager will help to identify problem areas and to detect hidden defects.
Thermal controlbuilding Inspection with a thermal imaging device refers to nerazrushaushsii methods of technical diagnostics. The imager is an optical-electronic device that removes objects in the infrared range of electromagnetic radiation, and visualizes the image in the visible wave spectrum, so that it could see people. The temperature thus is determined according to the color scale. The resulting image is called a thermogram. The operator of the imager has the ability to adjust the color-temperature scale, at its discretion, with the assistance of special programs. These programs are assigned to the extreme values of temperature scales contrasting color to problem areas on the thermogram were clearly visible.
Diagnosis and interpretation of the thermograms carried out by experts. To become this special, you must complete the certification for I, II, or III-mu to the highest level of personnel non-destructive thermal control. Those who specializiruetsya on diagnosis private houses, to pass the certification after training.
Thermal imaging inspection* facility allows you to identify all places of heat leakage, for whatever reason. Average size cottage is examined by a specialist for 1-2 hours. The thermograms obtained immediately, but technical conclusion, the customer receives immediately, but after a few days. The conclusion shall include the point of heat loss, the origin of the problems and their solutions. Thermal imaging survey to date of the mandatory procedure for thermal modernization of buildings.
The main objective of the thermal imaging survey is to determine the diagnosis. Recommendations for solving problems the customer may not obtain or get instead of them just General advice. The fact that in some situations, to eliminate the leakage of heat required project work. And it is beyond the competence of the specialist in teplovizionny diagnosis.
Types of thermal imaging inspectionsthermal imaging in Addition to diagnostics, non-destructive methods energodiagnostika allow the use of such devices as a scanner humidity, thermometer-hygrometer, dual-channel pressure gauge, and an adaptation of "aeroware", etc. using the group of devices gives the most accurate result of the diagnosis.
Professional thermal imaging survey is conducted in three modes air pressure: mode of operation, but also at elevated and reduced pressure. The primary base of thermograms generated under natural conditions. This survey allows to detect the thermal bridges in building envelopes. But the result of this survey can guarantee the accurate diagnosis only in 30% of cases. The heat leakage is often caused by produvaemosti designs. Such leaks are most typical for wooden and frame houses. Normal thermogram is performed without the use of auxiliary equipment, can only indirectly detect depressurization. When shooting at stone houses a thermal imaging camera detects up to 50% defects.
The heat leakage through a non-watertight construction with a slight pressure differences inside the house and outside is almost not visible on the thermogram under natural conditions. It is necessary to raise or lower the pressure inside the house. To increase the pressure inside the house use aerogirl is a special partition with blowing fans. The operation of the fan is controlled by the manometer. Aardware the fan has a variable speed control that is set on the keypad and depends on the internal volume of the building. Knowing the internal volume of the building and the volume of the supplied air, focusing on the readings on the gauge, it is possible to calculate the quantitative air leakage.
The principle of operation of aardware can be compared with the detection of puncture Bicycle inner tube. To find the puncture (depressurization), we pump the tube and see where the air comes out. If we are dealing with a house that needs to close before checking all the doors and Windows as well as vents and chimneys. This is done from the inside using plastic film and adhesive tape.
When the pressure inside the house, the air will escape through space depressurization. These places intersect the imager, and then taken a decision to eliminate air leakage.
Aerogirl is installed in the main doorway, if we study the entire home, or opening some room if you want to test only him. If an excess pressure is built inside the house (premises), then thermal imaging can be made outside. Coming from the room air has a higher temperature than the outer and therefore visible on the thermogram. Very often on thermograms taken under natural conditions and under positive pressure, noticeable differences. A properly made roofing cake will not have holes and therefore the thermal imaging of the roof does not show a significant difference of the surface temperatures. If mistakes were made, the picture will appear contrasting spots indicating problem areas. Cold bridges should be immediately removed, otherwise, not only cold but also moisture and mold will threaten the attic rooms. Suffer from moisture and rafters passing through the problem area.
The movement of air in leaky building envelopes can occur in both directions depending on the time of year. To exclude the ingress of cold air from outside into the house, it is necessary to identify and eliminate all reverse blowing off. For this aerodar include the mode of air discharge. Usually quite weak vacuum in the range of 20-60 PA. Thermal imaging in this case is conducted inside the premises. The obtained thermograms provide an opportunity to identify all latent defects in the sealing.
The effectiveness of thermal imaging diagnostics ofthe Advantages of thermal imaging are obvious. It avoids heat loss, which means significant savings on heating and air conditioning facilities. In Germany none of the building energy passport is not issued without a comprehensive thermal imaging survey. This document is mandatory presented the buyer, and its absence is punishable by a fine in the amount of 5 thousand euros.
Energy audit in Russia is that is voluntary. No requirement, no fines for absence are not provided. Thermal imaging survey customers do purely on their own initiative, with the aim of improving the thermal efficiency of the building and therefore – reduction accounts for the payment of energy. Thermal imaging is also common with problems of roof on the thermograms perfectly visible places of leaks.
To carry out thermal imaging diagnostics is recommended prior to finishing. So, found the root cause of the depressurization. Troubleshooting at this stage ensures quality performance of the building envelope and eliminates the appearance of "cold bridges" in the future, including and air.
The conclusion of experts of the heat control may be grounds for filing a complaint against the builders, who will be obliged to eliminate the defects at its own expense or, respectively, to reduce the amount of payment. In this case, the cost of thermal imaging diagnostics kompensiruet with a vengeance. The cost of comprehensive energy audit depends on the region. On average it is about 20-35 thousand rubles for the home area of about 250 m2.
Professionals thermal control makes sense to go with the purchase of a cottage. Based on the results of the survey is to get an idea about the status of the object. If there are problems, you can ask the seller a reasonable discount.
To produce the thermal imaging survey is best in autumn and winter, when the difference between external and internal temperatures is significant. But, as already mentioned, to make a diagnosis possible in the summer, if we use hardveru. It's enough to create a temperature difference 5-7°C. This differential can be achieved by inserting a heater or air conditioning. If the diagnosis is in summer, experts recommend to cool the room up to 15-16°C. During the winter season inspections required differential usually present itself. If the cottage is not already running on heating, the indoor air can be heated by a heat gun.
All necessary equipment is at the disposal of specialists of the heat control. Customer just needs to call them in place and as the result of work to obtain a written report about the energy state of the object. published
Source: www.domastroim.su/articles/izol-articles/teploizol/teploizol_2091.html
Thermal controlbuilding Inspection with a thermal imaging device refers to nerazrushaushsii methods of technical diagnostics. The imager is an optical-electronic device that removes objects in the infrared range of electromagnetic radiation, and visualizes the image in the visible wave spectrum, so that it could see people. The temperature thus is determined according to the color scale. The resulting image is called a thermogram. The operator of the imager has the ability to adjust the color-temperature scale, at its discretion, with the assistance of special programs. These programs are assigned to the extreme values of temperature scales contrasting color to problem areas on the thermogram were clearly visible.
Diagnosis and interpretation of the thermograms carried out by experts. To become this special, you must complete the certification for I, II, or III-mu to the highest level of personnel non-destructive thermal control. Those who specializiruetsya on diagnosis private houses, to pass the certification after training.
Thermal imaging inspection* facility allows you to identify all places of heat leakage, for whatever reason. Average size cottage is examined by a specialist for 1-2 hours. The thermograms obtained immediately, but technical conclusion, the customer receives immediately, but after a few days. The conclusion shall include the point of heat loss, the origin of the problems and their solutions. Thermal imaging survey to date of the mandatory procedure for thermal modernization of buildings.
The main objective of the thermal imaging survey is to determine the diagnosis. Recommendations for solving problems the customer may not obtain or get instead of them just General advice. The fact that in some situations, to eliminate the leakage of heat required project work. And it is beyond the competence of the specialist in teplovizionny diagnosis.
Types of thermal imaging inspectionsthermal imaging in Addition to diagnostics, non-destructive methods energodiagnostika allow the use of such devices as a scanner humidity, thermometer-hygrometer, dual-channel pressure gauge, and an adaptation of "aeroware", etc. using the group of devices gives the most accurate result of the diagnosis.
Professional thermal imaging survey is conducted in three modes air pressure: mode of operation, but also at elevated and reduced pressure. The primary base of thermograms generated under natural conditions. This survey allows to detect the thermal bridges in building envelopes. But the result of this survey can guarantee the accurate diagnosis only in 30% of cases. The heat leakage is often caused by produvaemosti designs. Such leaks are most typical for wooden and frame houses. Normal thermogram is performed without the use of auxiliary equipment, can only indirectly detect depressurization. When shooting at stone houses a thermal imaging camera detects up to 50% defects.
The heat leakage through a non-watertight construction with a slight pressure differences inside the house and outside is almost not visible on the thermogram under natural conditions. It is necessary to raise or lower the pressure inside the house. To increase the pressure inside the house use aerogirl is a special partition with blowing fans. The operation of the fan is controlled by the manometer. Aardware the fan has a variable speed control that is set on the keypad and depends on the internal volume of the building. Knowing the internal volume of the building and the volume of the supplied air, focusing on the readings on the gauge, it is possible to calculate the quantitative air leakage.
The principle of operation of aardware can be compared with the detection of puncture Bicycle inner tube. To find the puncture (depressurization), we pump the tube and see where the air comes out. If we are dealing with a house that needs to close before checking all the doors and Windows as well as vents and chimneys. This is done from the inside using plastic film and adhesive tape.
When the pressure inside the house, the air will escape through space depressurization. These places intersect the imager, and then taken a decision to eliminate air leakage.
Aerogirl is installed in the main doorway, if we study the entire home, or opening some room if you want to test only him. If an excess pressure is built inside the house (premises), then thermal imaging can be made outside. Coming from the room air has a higher temperature than the outer and therefore visible on the thermogram. Very often on thermograms taken under natural conditions and under positive pressure, noticeable differences. A properly made roofing cake will not have holes and therefore the thermal imaging of the roof does not show a significant difference of the surface temperatures. If mistakes were made, the picture will appear contrasting spots indicating problem areas. Cold bridges should be immediately removed, otherwise, not only cold but also moisture and mold will threaten the attic rooms. Suffer from moisture and rafters passing through the problem area.
The movement of air in leaky building envelopes can occur in both directions depending on the time of year. To exclude the ingress of cold air from outside into the house, it is necessary to identify and eliminate all reverse blowing off. For this aerodar include the mode of air discharge. Usually quite weak vacuum in the range of 20-60 PA. Thermal imaging in this case is conducted inside the premises. The obtained thermograms provide an opportunity to identify all latent defects in the sealing.
The effectiveness of thermal imaging diagnostics ofthe Advantages of thermal imaging are obvious. It avoids heat loss, which means significant savings on heating and air conditioning facilities. In Germany none of the building energy passport is not issued without a comprehensive thermal imaging survey. This document is mandatory presented the buyer, and its absence is punishable by a fine in the amount of 5 thousand euros.
Energy audit in Russia is that is voluntary. No requirement, no fines for absence are not provided. Thermal imaging survey customers do purely on their own initiative, with the aim of improving the thermal efficiency of the building and therefore – reduction accounts for the payment of energy. Thermal imaging is also common with problems of roof on the thermograms perfectly visible places of leaks.
To carry out thermal imaging diagnostics is recommended prior to finishing. So, found the root cause of the depressurization. Troubleshooting at this stage ensures quality performance of the building envelope and eliminates the appearance of "cold bridges" in the future, including and air.
The conclusion of experts of the heat control may be grounds for filing a complaint against the builders, who will be obliged to eliminate the defects at its own expense or, respectively, to reduce the amount of payment. In this case, the cost of thermal imaging diagnostics kompensiruet with a vengeance. The cost of comprehensive energy audit depends on the region. On average it is about 20-35 thousand rubles for the home area of about 250 m2.
Professionals thermal control makes sense to go with the purchase of a cottage. Based on the results of the survey is to get an idea about the status of the object. If there are problems, you can ask the seller a reasonable discount.
To produce the thermal imaging survey is best in autumn and winter, when the difference between external and internal temperatures is significant. But, as already mentioned, to make a diagnosis possible in the summer, if we use hardveru. It's enough to create a temperature difference 5-7°C. This differential can be achieved by inserting a heater or air conditioning. If the diagnosis is in summer, experts recommend to cool the room up to 15-16°C. During the winter season inspections required differential usually present itself. If the cottage is not already running on heating, the indoor air can be heated by a heat gun.
All necessary equipment is at the disposal of specialists of the heat control. Customer just needs to call them in place and as the result of work to obtain a written report about the energy state of the object. published
Source: www.domastroim.su/articles/izol-articles/teploizol/teploizol_2091.html