Stefan Zsaitsits: portraits of children and their thoughts
Surreal portrait of a boy and his thoughts by Stefan Zsaitsits
In his black and white graphite portraits, the talented artist from Austria depicts not only caricatured faces of people, but also their animated and acquired clear images of thoughts and experiences that completely absorb the heads of the characters of the sketches. Somewhere funny, and somewhere intimidating surreal paintings are made in a unique, slightly comic author's style.
Cartoon portrait of a boy and his thoughts by Stefan Zsaitsits.
An unusual graphite portrait by Stefan Zsaitsits.
Stefan Zsaitsitsitsitsits Austrian artist who presented a series of unusual graphite portraits. The favorite characters of Zsaitsitsits are children. On the heads and faces of cartoon children unfold whole scenes reflecting their metaphorical thoughts, experiences and fears. The author of an unusual collection of paintings tried to visualize how diverse and sometimes frightening thoughts can be, burdening the heads of not only children, but also people in general.
An eerie surreal portrait of a girl by Stefan Zsaitsits.
An unusual monochrome sketch by Stefan Zsaitsits.
The monochrome sketches of the artist presented in the article are only a part of a fairly large collection of surrealist graphite paintings created by the author specifically for the exhibition in Moscow. Galerie Lang Wienand for the exhibition Art Austria 2014It was held in Vienna in early April this year.
Source: vk.com/wall-47139359_206
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