The most inaccessible secrets of the world, which still managed to reveal
This list includes the most famous “mysteries of the century”, from rocks sliding through the desert to incomprehensible underwater sounds that people still managed to solve.
Richard III's grave found
The remains of Richard III, the last English king to die in battle, have been discovered under a car park in the British city of Leicester. It was one of the most striking archaeological finds of recent decades.
Istok Nile
It may seem too obvious, but even a Lake Victoria response was not easy to get. It took the use of state-of-the-art technology to get the final clue, because the true source of the Nile remained a mystery for a long time.
Why the temperature of the “solar atmosphere” is higher than the temperature of the surface of the Sun
The answer sounds too scientific, however, one way or another, the mystery was solved in 2009 thanks to a study by a group of European scientists. They managed to find an explanation for the fact that the temperature of the solar “atmosphere” reaches several million degrees Celsius, while the surface of the sun is much “colder” – only 5 thousand degrees Celsius. The clue is that it is the magnetic field that is the source of energy that causes solar flares and coronal plasma ejections.
The discovery of the submerged Titanic
The discovery in 1985, 70-plus years after the disaster, of a scuttled vessel, was entirely accidental and can only be explained by the greatest luck of researchers.
Loch Ness Monster
After decades of countless controversy and speculation, the photographer, the author of the world-famous original image of the Loch Ness Monster, admitted recently that it was a hoax.
For centuries, humanity considered Troy a mythical city, and the Trojan War a legend. So it was before the discovery by the German archaeologist-self-taught Heinrich Schliemann of the remains of the ancient city, also called Ilion.
Magic circles in the Namib Desert
For a long time, people have associated this phenomenon with anything from radioactive radiation to space aliens. Only relatively recent studies have led to the final conclusion that the “culprits” of such a long intrigue are ... termites! (There are other explanations that we have written about earlier.)
The Fate of Martin Borman
One of the top leaders of the Nazi Reich was not discovered after World War II, despite intensive searches around the world. According to the best-known version, he managed to avoid retribution and disappeared somewhere in South America, as there were numerous testimonies that circulated in the press for many years. However, in 1999, his body was found in an unmarked grave near the bunker where Hitler committed suicide.
"Fish flatulence" instead of Russian submarines
In the 80s, Swedish sailors discovered underwater sounds of unknown origin. Many have attributed them to Russian submarines that threaten the free world. The solution caused an explosion of laughter - the source of mystical underwater sounds was the release of digestive gases of clusters of fish. The Swedes were later given the so-called. Ig Nobel Prize.
Tutankhamun's tomb
With this most “popular” ancient Egyptian pharaoh was associated a story reminiscent of the “Trojan”. Until the discovery in 1922 of Tutankhamun’s completely intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings, it was the subject of countless legends and hoaxes.
Eternal roar
When researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration discovered a low-frequency sound of unknown origin in the South Pacific in the summer of 1997, its origin was initially attributed to some mysterious, incredibly large and loud animal. Later, however, most scientists agreed that the Bloop was caused by the movement of ice masses.
Why corals pulsate
The pulsation of coral colonies remained an impregnable mystery and the subject of numerous conjectures for several decades of the last century. This movement could not be explained by any pressing need. In the end, scientists were able to establish that this way corals maintain a low oxygen content in the surrounding waters and thereby attract a certain type of migratory seaweed, which forms the basis of their nutrition.
In what direction does the Earth's core rotate?
For a long time, scientists could not understand how the solid inner core of our planet rotates in one direction, while the liquid outer core rotates in the other. Researchers from the University of Leeds recently found the answer: the reason lies in the “equally opposite” interaction of near-Earth magnetic fields.
Whether women blush in the dark
This question may sound silly to you, but even Charles Darwin tried to answer it. After all, if you judge wisely, in the dark it is impossible to see whether it has turned red, and if you turn on the light, then further will not happen in the dark, regardless of the result. Fortunately, German researchers have come up with the idea of using special cameras that respond to thermal radiation to put an end to agonizing doubts. Yes, women blush in the dark.
The Antikythera Mechanism
The fact that this ancient Greek “computer” was used for navigation was known for a long time (since the device was discovered in the wreckage of the ship). But the fact that a device of comparable complexity was built by humans only a thousand years later is really difficult to explain.
Causes of stomach ulcers
For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has made very good money selling anti-stress drugs to treat stomach ulcers. This continued until Australian scientists discovered that ulcers are often caused by a bacterial factor and are very easily cured.
The nature of black bodies is inexplicable in classical physics.
Classical physics states that an ideal black body in a state of thermal equilibrium would radiate an infinite amount of energy. This is not consistent with what is actually happening in the real world. To explain this phenomenon required the laws of quantum mechanics.
Sliding stones
In case you’re not aware, there are rocks in various deserts around the world that “slip,” meaning they move by themselves. After several experiments, this effect was explained by the fact that the movement of the rocks is likely caused by wind and the presence of ice on the desert surface.
Source: /users/78
Richard III's grave found
The remains of Richard III, the last English king to die in battle, have been discovered under a car park in the British city of Leicester. It was one of the most striking archaeological finds of recent decades.
Istok Nile
It may seem too obvious, but even a Lake Victoria response was not easy to get. It took the use of state-of-the-art technology to get the final clue, because the true source of the Nile remained a mystery for a long time.
Why the temperature of the “solar atmosphere” is higher than the temperature of the surface of the Sun
The answer sounds too scientific, however, one way or another, the mystery was solved in 2009 thanks to a study by a group of European scientists. They managed to find an explanation for the fact that the temperature of the solar “atmosphere” reaches several million degrees Celsius, while the surface of the sun is much “colder” – only 5 thousand degrees Celsius. The clue is that it is the magnetic field that is the source of energy that causes solar flares and coronal plasma ejections.
The discovery of the submerged Titanic
The discovery in 1985, 70-plus years after the disaster, of a scuttled vessel, was entirely accidental and can only be explained by the greatest luck of researchers.
Loch Ness Monster
After decades of countless controversy and speculation, the photographer, the author of the world-famous original image of the Loch Ness Monster, admitted recently that it was a hoax.
For centuries, humanity considered Troy a mythical city, and the Trojan War a legend. So it was before the discovery by the German archaeologist-self-taught Heinrich Schliemann of the remains of the ancient city, also called Ilion.
Magic circles in the Namib Desert
For a long time, people have associated this phenomenon with anything from radioactive radiation to space aliens. Only relatively recent studies have led to the final conclusion that the “culprits” of such a long intrigue are ... termites! (There are other explanations that we have written about earlier.)
The Fate of Martin Borman
One of the top leaders of the Nazi Reich was not discovered after World War II, despite intensive searches around the world. According to the best-known version, he managed to avoid retribution and disappeared somewhere in South America, as there were numerous testimonies that circulated in the press for many years. However, in 1999, his body was found in an unmarked grave near the bunker where Hitler committed suicide.
"Fish flatulence" instead of Russian submarines
In the 80s, Swedish sailors discovered underwater sounds of unknown origin. Many have attributed them to Russian submarines that threaten the free world. The solution caused an explosion of laughter - the source of mystical underwater sounds was the release of digestive gases of clusters of fish. The Swedes were later given the so-called. Ig Nobel Prize.
Tutankhamun's tomb
With this most “popular” ancient Egyptian pharaoh was associated a story reminiscent of the “Trojan”. Until the discovery in 1922 of Tutankhamun’s completely intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings, it was the subject of countless legends and hoaxes.
Eternal roar
When researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration discovered a low-frequency sound of unknown origin in the South Pacific in the summer of 1997, its origin was initially attributed to some mysterious, incredibly large and loud animal. Later, however, most scientists agreed that the Bloop was caused by the movement of ice masses.
Why corals pulsate
The pulsation of coral colonies remained an impregnable mystery and the subject of numerous conjectures for several decades of the last century. This movement could not be explained by any pressing need. In the end, scientists were able to establish that this way corals maintain a low oxygen content in the surrounding waters and thereby attract a certain type of migratory seaweed, which forms the basis of their nutrition.
In what direction does the Earth's core rotate?
For a long time, scientists could not understand how the solid inner core of our planet rotates in one direction, while the liquid outer core rotates in the other. Researchers from the University of Leeds recently found the answer: the reason lies in the “equally opposite” interaction of near-Earth magnetic fields.
Whether women blush in the dark
This question may sound silly to you, but even Charles Darwin tried to answer it. After all, if you judge wisely, in the dark it is impossible to see whether it has turned red, and if you turn on the light, then further will not happen in the dark, regardless of the result. Fortunately, German researchers have come up with the idea of using special cameras that respond to thermal radiation to put an end to agonizing doubts. Yes, women blush in the dark.
The Antikythera Mechanism
The fact that this ancient Greek “computer” was used for navigation was known for a long time (since the device was discovered in the wreckage of the ship). But the fact that a device of comparable complexity was built by humans only a thousand years later is really difficult to explain.
Causes of stomach ulcers
For many years, the pharmaceutical industry has made very good money selling anti-stress drugs to treat stomach ulcers. This continued until Australian scientists discovered that ulcers are often caused by a bacterial factor and are very easily cured.
The nature of black bodies is inexplicable in classical physics.
Classical physics states that an ideal black body in a state of thermal equilibrium would radiate an infinite amount of energy. This is not consistent with what is actually happening in the real world. To explain this phenomenon required the laws of quantum mechanics.
Sliding stones
In case you’re not aware, there are rocks in various deserts around the world that “slip,” meaning they move by themselves. After several experiments, this effect was explained by the fact that the movement of the rocks is likely caused by wind and the presence of ice on the desert surface.
Source: /users/78