Galaxy with gravitational lens effect
Ninety six million two hundred fifty five thousand six hundred eighty five
Employees located in Hawaii Keck Observatory has discovered the most distant galaxy, which is like a magnifying glass. Almost ten light years separated her from the Ground. Due to the phenomenon known as "gravitational lensing", a rather large galaxy increases even more distant, which is from our planet at 10.6 light years.
Belongs to the recently discovered galaxy with a magnifying property to a galactic cluster called IRC 0218 that is more massive than our sun in one hundred and eighty times.
Discovered amazing galaxy of experts, who studied with the spectrograph of the star formation in a given galaxy. They noticed first, as if escaping from a big old galaxy, ellipse, spot, consisting of a hot hydrogen, which is a sign of star formation. First observation questioned because it was known that in this elliptical galaxy long ago completed the process of star formation.
But, after analyzing other images sent by the Hubble telescope, astronomers have concluded that they are not wrong and in front of them a spiral galaxy, the size of which is less than the one before it. And the process of star formation really happens in it. The distorted light of this spiral galaxy is visible as a bluish color stain.
Source: planetologia.ru/
Employees located in Hawaii Keck Observatory has discovered the most distant galaxy, which is like a magnifying glass. Almost ten light years separated her from the Ground. Due to the phenomenon known as "gravitational lensing", a rather large galaxy increases even more distant, which is from our planet at 10.6 light years.
Belongs to the recently discovered galaxy with a magnifying property to a galactic cluster called IRC 0218 that is more massive than our sun in one hundred and eighty times.
Discovered amazing galaxy of experts, who studied with the spectrograph of the star formation in a given galaxy. They noticed first, as if escaping from a big old galaxy, ellipse, spot, consisting of a hot hydrogen, which is a sign of star formation. First observation questioned because it was known that in this elliptical galaxy long ago completed the process of star formation.
But, after analyzing other images sent by the Hubble telescope, astronomers have concluded that they are not wrong and in front of them a spiral galaxy, the size of which is less than the one before it. And the process of star formation really happens in it. The distorted light of this spiral galaxy is visible as a bluish color stain.
Source: planetologia.ru/
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