What you need to know about mushroom poisoning
About 4% of all poisonings occur from eating poisonous mushrooms. Today experts distinguish mushroom poisoning from the poisoning of food and consider them to be particularly dangerous. Not infrequently, the poisoning poisonous mushrooms leads to death.
If you don't want to get poisoned by mushrooms, then the best option will be to refrain from eating mushrooms collected in the forest. At the moment there are over three thousand different species of fungi and only four of them can be eaten. All other mushrooms are not edible and can easily trigger the process of severe poisoning.
Eighteen million five hundred forty six thousand three hundred thirty five
But it is not excluded the cases when the poisoning occurs by eating food that is edible mushrooms, purchased in supermarkets of the city. The process of the cultivation of these mushrooms usually occurs in artificial conditions. The violation of basic rules for cooking and storing and eating quality of mushrooms can be very dangerous to Your health.
The most dangerous mushroom in the entire territory of Russia is considered to be pale toadstool. Only a few grams of this mushroom is able to provoke death of any person. No less dangerous are edible mushrooms collected in the vicinity of major roads and urban highways because they tend, like a sponge, to absorb, sprayed in the air, harmful substances.
Symptoms and degree of mushroom poisoning usually depends on the variety and quantity of mushrooms used as food. In addition, great importance is the General health of the patient, his age and weight. But, any kind, even the strongest immune system is not able to withstand the toxins within the human body in the process of poisoning.
Thus, the appearance of the slightest symptoms of mushroom poisoning should immediately seek help from a doctor. Usually, symptoms similar to food poisoning. These may include: severe dizziness, painful processes in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Can also be complications, which are accompanied by complete loss of consciousness, severe cramps and hallucinations.
Basically, the symptoms associated with what mushroom was eaten. For example, if it is the fly agaric, when poisoning there are severe hallucinations and inappropriate behavior, and if poisoning pale toadstool not infrequently there is diarrhea, which is accompanied by twenty urge to the toilet at least. Harmful substances which are part of the poisonous mushrooms, have a negative impact on important internal organs – kidneys, liver, heart and brain.
If not time to seek the help of an experienced doctor, there is a huge risk of renal failure and as a result the lethal outcome.
Emergency medical aid for poisoning of mushrooms: If you notice a sharp deterioration in health after the ingestion of mushrooms, it should be mandatory to seek help from a specialist. But the ideal option for you would be surgical treatment even before the ambulance arrived. First, we need to artificially induce vomiting in a person who suffered from mushroom poisoning.
Such a process is required, as the procedure helps cleansing the stomach from the remnants of the poison mushroom and prevents penetration of harmful substances into the bloodstream. In order to facilitate this process, it is recommended to use special medicine POLYSORB. At the first signs of poisoning you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of the drug in water and drink. Its action begins almost immediately.
This drug absorbs toxic substances and gently removes from the human body. He addresses precisely the cause of poisoning, not just eliminate symptoms. Experienced professionals recommend to keep in the medicine Cabinet POLYSORB, because the total absence of contraindications makes it possible to take this medication even for young children.
POLYSORB contains in its composition only natural silicon and has no dyes, artificial additives, so this drug has virtually no contraindications. Mushrooms are undoubtedly one of the most favorite foods on the table all over the world. In almost all markets, you can find a huge number of selling mushrooms. And now, the beginning of fall mushroom season is open, but not the season poisonings. Watch your health!
Lezhenina Anastasia
Source: globalscience.ru
If you don't want to get poisoned by mushrooms, then the best option will be to refrain from eating mushrooms collected in the forest. At the moment there are over three thousand different species of fungi and only four of them can be eaten. All other mushrooms are not edible and can easily trigger the process of severe poisoning.
Eighteen million five hundred forty six thousand three hundred thirty five
But it is not excluded the cases when the poisoning occurs by eating food that is edible mushrooms, purchased in supermarkets of the city. The process of the cultivation of these mushrooms usually occurs in artificial conditions. The violation of basic rules for cooking and storing and eating quality of mushrooms can be very dangerous to Your health.
The most dangerous mushroom in the entire territory of Russia is considered to be pale toadstool. Only a few grams of this mushroom is able to provoke death of any person. No less dangerous are edible mushrooms collected in the vicinity of major roads and urban highways because they tend, like a sponge, to absorb, sprayed in the air, harmful substances.
Symptoms and degree of mushroom poisoning usually depends on the variety and quantity of mushrooms used as food. In addition, great importance is the General health of the patient, his age and weight. But, any kind, even the strongest immune system is not able to withstand the toxins within the human body in the process of poisoning.
Thus, the appearance of the slightest symptoms of mushroom poisoning should immediately seek help from a doctor. Usually, symptoms similar to food poisoning. These may include: severe dizziness, painful processes in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Can also be complications, which are accompanied by complete loss of consciousness, severe cramps and hallucinations.
Basically, the symptoms associated with what mushroom was eaten. For example, if it is the fly agaric, when poisoning there are severe hallucinations and inappropriate behavior, and if poisoning pale toadstool not infrequently there is diarrhea, which is accompanied by twenty urge to the toilet at least. Harmful substances which are part of the poisonous mushrooms, have a negative impact on important internal organs – kidneys, liver, heart and brain.
If not time to seek the help of an experienced doctor, there is a huge risk of renal failure and as a result the lethal outcome.
Emergency medical aid for poisoning of mushrooms: If you notice a sharp deterioration in health after the ingestion of mushrooms, it should be mandatory to seek help from a specialist. But the ideal option for you would be surgical treatment even before the ambulance arrived. First, we need to artificially induce vomiting in a person who suffered from mushroom poisoning.
Such a process is required, as the procedure helps cleansing the stomach from the remnants of the poison mushroom and prevents penetration of harmful substances into the bloodstream. In order to facilitate this process, it is recommended to use special medicine POLYSORB. At the first signs of poisoning you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of the drug in water and drink. Its action begins almost immediately.
This drug absorbs toxic substances and gently removes from the human body. He addresses precisely the cause of poisoning, not just eliminate symptoms. Experienced professionals recommend to keep in the medicine Cabinet POLYSORB, because the total absence of contraindications makes it possible to take this medication even for young children.
POLYSORB contains in its composition only natural silicon and has no dyes, artificial additives, so this drug has virtually no contraindications. Mushrooms are undoubtedly one of the most favorite foods on the table all over the world. In almost all markets, you can find a huge number of selling mushrooms. And now, the beginning of fall mushroom season is open, but not the season poisonings. Watch your health!
Lezhenina Anastasia
Source: globalscience.ru
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