The first signs of stuttering
About the stuttering should speak in the case when as a result of seizures in various parts of the apparatus of speech violation occurs in pace and rhythm, and the fluidity of speech.
When a child suffers from stuttering, he often feels the need to pause during the conversation to repeat individual sounds or syllables. Most often this defect appears in 2-5 year old toddlers. Time noticing the signs of stuttering, the parents together with specialists able to quickly and without consequences to save his son or daughter from a speech defect. But should pay attention to specific points:
• sudden silence, refusal to communicate; this situation can continue for two hours, and the day after that, the child returns the ability to speak, but, unfortunately, there is stuttering. How to say psycho, it is important to have time to show the baby to a specialist to the time when he starts to stutter, because in this case it is possible to avoid problems;
• use in front of some words, unnecessary sounds (e.g., and), the repetition of initial syllables or the first words of sentences;
• sudden interruption of the speech when the child pauses, not finishing the begun word or phrase.
• difficulties while trying to start the conversation.
Among the reasons why many children did not pass the stuttering, the chief called a weakened nervous system. But the reasons for the manifestation of this defect of speech can be quite a lot. For example, start to stutter a little after a grueling infectious diseases, due to rough handling adults as a result of fright. By the way, often treated from stuttering have very advanced children, early began to talk of parents trying to make their children prodigies.
How to get rid of the defect? Doctors and psychologists in one voice are advised to create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, correct mode of the day, minimize watching TV and playing games on the computer. Should not be read to children before bedtime scary stories, leaving them alone in a dark room.
In addition, the kids need constant supervision by a neurologist and a speech therapist, because only a professional is able to find out the true cause of stuttering and to find appropriate treatment.
Source: globalscience.ru

When a child suffers from stuttering, he often feels the need to pause during the conversation to repeat individual sounds or syllables. Most often this defect appears in 2-5 year old toddlers. Time noticing the signs of stuttering, the parents together with specialists able to quickly and without consequences to save his son or daughter from a speech defect. But should pay attention to specific points:
• sudden silence, refusal to communicate; this situation can continue for two hours, and the day after that, the child returns the ability to speak, but, unfortunately, there is stuttering. How to say psycho, it is important to have time to show the baby to a specialist to the time when he starts to stutter, because in this case it is possible to avoid problems;
• use in front of some words, unnecessary sounds (e.g., and), the repetition of initial syllables or the first words of sentences;
• sudden interruption of the speech when the child pauses, not finishing the begun word or phrase.
• difficulties while trying to start the conversation.
Among the reasons why many children did not pass the stuttering, the chief called a weakened nervous system. But the reasons for the manifestation of this defect of speech can be quite a lot. For example, start to stutter a little after a grueling infectious diseases, due to rough handling adults as a result of fright. By the way, often treated from stuttering have very advanced children, early began to talk of parents trying to make their children prodigies.
How to get rid of the defect? Doctors and psychologists in one voice are advised to create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, correct mode of the day, minimize watching TV and playing games on the computer. Should not be read to children before bedtime scary stories, leaving them alone in a dark room.
In addition, the kids need constant supervision by a neurologist and a speech therapist, because only a professional is able to find out the true cause of stuttering and to find appropriate treatment.
Source: globalscience.ru
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