Creator of pop-up ads apologizes for his creation
One of the most annoying types of advertising, pop-UPS, was invented by Ethan Zuckerman. He says he's sorry for his invention.
Ethan Zuckerman currently heads the Center for civic media at the Massachusetts Institute of technology. In a recent essay he said he didn't know how much he can change the world when he wrote code for the first pop-up advertisement more than twenty years ago. He wrote code for the site Tripod.com that is designed for the introduction of the business model of advertising.
Ethan Zuckerman says: "I'm sorry. My intentions were good."
What he meant by "good" we did not understand. The fact that he apologized for creating pop-up ads – well, but that didn't stop the barrage of pop-UPS with viruses and scammers.
Source: www.scitech-news.ru/