7 human powers
Each person is endowed with certain abilities, but they are different for everyone. Some differ in the field of sports, others have the ability to create technologies that help people. But this is so well known. However, scientists have discovered that there are effects of a different kind that everyone has the opportunity to develop. Experts in this field suggest that they are at the genetic level. This article will introduce you to the 7 abilities of the person.
Echolocation.Sixty four million eight hundred twenty six thousand three hundred sixteen
People believe that this ability is inherent only in bats and dolphins. But there are people who are endowed with such a gift. Usually, this ability is inherent in those who are deprived of vision. Ahalazia developed in each person to varying degrees. But a lot of cases where blind people can easily travel by bike, go Hiking in the mountains. In such situations, they do not rely on vision, and echolocation.
These people are very skeptical and often mistaken for the mentally ill. However, such people exist among us. They are able to see auras. It's certain colors that surrounds a person. Scientists still have not found confirmation of existence around the person of any energy. But scientists from Japan say that the human body is able to allocate a certain glow. To date, scientists have not been able to find conclusive evidence that people who can see auras exist.
Synesthesia.Eighty six million seven hundred sixty three thousand five hundred sixty
How is it possible, for example, see sounds or hear colors? Without the use of narcotic and psychedelic substances. Synesthesia is called this condition. In this state, a person is able to activate many senses at the same time. These state that every hundredth inhabitant of the planet – synesthetic. Variations of this many superpowers. For example, some people heard the letter "A" once you see a bright green color. Or breathing in the scent of a flower, hear a particular music.
Supervises.Seventy two million two hundred sixty one thousand one hundred eighty four
Approximately 25% of the population have more taste buds than others. This ability allows them to become tasters or best chefs in the world. But not all that great. The fact that the sensitivity of taste does not allow them to eat what ordinary people eat. Often they can not tolerate the taste of sweets, fatty foods and fresh vegetables.
Magnetoreception.Ninety three million seven hundred thirty five thousand three
Scientists recently discovered that the human body is endowed with the protein cryptochrome. Thanks to this squirrel, birds and many other creatures able to see the earth's magnetic field. This can be compared with GPSнавигатором embedded in their head. It is not yet clear whether this man, but the scientist work hard to find out.
's called hyperthymesia ... Two million five hundred seventy one thousand nine hundred twenty four
Some take it as a gift, for others it is the worst punishment. Depends which way you look at it. Not many can boast that I remember in detail all that they knew and saw throughout his life. Such people are not able to forget anything. Just imagine: you remember everything... And well, if these memories are pleasant and happy. What to do if they are one of those who really want to forget? Now think before you complain about his bad memory.
Savantism.Fifty one million three hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred fifty six
This condition is extremely rare. As a rule, they are endowed with people with various developmental disorders and autism. They have a so-called "Island of genius" — the ability, stands out on the background of the overall limited abilities to other individuals. One ability separates all savantul – a phenomenal memory. The areas in which they can Express themselves, such people are quite varied: mathematics, cartography, music, art... People having savant syndrome, it is able to repeat pages from the text after reading one times. They are capable in the right mind to solve the most complex examples from the field of mathematics or in the mind, to multiply six digit numbers. The same savants have a great ability to learn foreign languages. However, externally, these people demonstrate a complete lack of independence and disability, and mental retardation.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
Echolocation.Sixty four million eight hundred twenty six thousand three hundred sixteen
People believe that this ability is inherent only in bats and dolphins. But there are people who are endowed with such a gift. Usually, this ability is inherent in those who are deprived of vision. Ahalazia developed in each person to varying degrees. But a lot of cases where blind people can easily travel by bike, go Hiking in the mountains. In such situations, they do not rely on vision, and echolocation.
These people are very skeptical and often mistaken for the mentally ill. However, such people exist among us. They are able to see auras. It's certain colors that surrounds a person. Scientists still have not found confirmation of existence around the person of any energy. But scientists from Japan say that the human body is able to allocate a certain glow. To date, scientists have not been able to find conclusive evidence that people who can see auras exist.
Synesthesia.Eighty six million seven hundred sixty three thousand five hundred sixty
How is it possible, for example, see sounds or hear colors? Without the use of narcotic and psychedelic substances. Synesthesia is called this condition. In this state, a person is able to activate many senses at the same time. These state that every hundredth inhabitant of the planet – synesthetic. Variations of this many superpowers. For example, some people heard the letter "A" once you see a bright green color. Or breathing in the scent of a flower, hear a particular music.
Supervises.Seventy two million two hundred sixty one thousand one hundred eighty four
Approximately 25% of the population have more taste buds than others. This ability allows them to become tasters or best chefs in the world. But not all that great. The fact that the sensitivity of taste does not allow them to eat what ordinary people eat. Often they can not tolerate the taste of sweets, fatty foods and fresh vegetables.
Magnetoreception.Ninety three million seven hundred thirty five thousand three
Scientists recently discovered that the human body is endowed with the protein cryptochrome. Thanks to this squirrel, birds and many other creatures able to see the earth's magnetic field. This can be compared with GPSнавигатором embedded in their head. It is not yet clear whether this man, but the scientist work hard to find out.
's called hyperthymesia ... Two million five hundred seventy one thousand nine hundred twenty four
Some take it as a gift, for others it is the worst punishment. Depends which way you look at it. Not many can boast that I remember in detail all that they knew and saw throughout his life. Such people are not able to forget anything. Just imagine: you remember everything... And well, if these memories are pleasant and happy. What to do if they are one of those who really want to forget? Now think before you complain about his bad memory.
Savantism.Fifty one million three hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred fifty six
This condition is extremely rare. As a rule, they are endowed with people with various developmental disorders and autism. They have a so-called "Island of genius" — the ability, stands out on the background of the overall limited abilities to other individuals. One ability separates all savantul – a phenomenal memory. The areas in which they can Express themselves, such people are quite varied: mathematics, cartography, music, art... People having savant syndrome, it is able to repeat pages from the text after reading one times. They are capable in the right mind to solve the most complex examples from the field of mathematics or in the mind, to multiply six digit numbers. The same savants have a great ability to learn foreign languages. However, externally, these people demonstrate a complete lack of independence and disability, and mental retardation.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua