Supernormal Mirin Dajo

Marin Dazho devoted his life to show people hit. He spoke at medical congresses, in the presence of many doctors, doctors and journalists who recorded the testimony of his body. Sharp needles and daggers passed through his organs heart, lungs and spleen, sometimes through several organs at the same time without blood. He said that just dematerialize objects inside it, so do not harm. From time to time the blade fell poison or stabbed deliberately rusted. In a speech in Zurich, to prove to the public that this is not a hoax, Dazho pierced three 8mm hollow tubes through which water is supplied.

His assistant noted telepathic abilities and tselitelkie Dazho, treatment of people occurred in the presence of doctors. In his speeches, the audience often fainted from what you see. During one of the performances especially impressionable spectators have had a heart attack. May 31, 1947, he demonstrated his talents in the Zurich cantonal hospital in the presence of a commission. There were also made by the X-rays showing the sword pierced the internal organs. After removal of the sword was no blood and body were only small specks. Similar studies were also carried out in Basel and Bern. Mirin Dajo for his performances were not to obtain fame or fortune, he wanted to show the world that there is something more than a reality, and man can exist beyond the material world. People need to understand that there is a higher power, the source of God that gives this ability, as a clear sign that there is something more beyond the materialistic world view. He argued that conveys a message of peace and materialistic way of a man can lead to poverty and war. See also: Japanese Robinson Crusoe 20 years living on a desert island. A resident of Brazil raises his eyes from their sockets 95% 27-year-old girl with Rotate stops living a normal life. The oldest person in the world was 256 years old. 95-year-old Chinese woman, six days after the death got out of the coffin. The smallest man found in the Nepalese village. A resident of Britain is recognized as the fattest man in the world.
Source: roota-lik.livejournal.com/86690.html