How to relieve colic in newborns
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Why is there a colic Infant colic is a problem faced by absolutely all mothers of all times and peoples. The fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the infant is not yet fully formed, and its work may be some interruptions. Most often, these disruptions are characterized by a high level of gassing, from which the child suffers from flatulence and bloating, the main symptom of which are intestinal colic.
Something to help with colic in infants? A whole lot, but first we need to understand what was the reason for their appearance. And the reason, as it turns out, very, very much. Perhaps you're wrong to put your baby to your chest or in your food, there are elements which get into the milk, contribute to the development of increased gas formation in a child.
Perhaps the child recently was crying loudly and had to swallow air (this happens often – the kids can't control the direction of the inhaled air, he can go for the trachea and esophagus). Perhaps an uncomfortable posture sleep prevented by accumulated natural gases to go outside, and these bubbles in the intestine and cause discomfort.
The fight against colic Dill water. To give the baby gripe water for the normalization of the bowel is a common practice, which is of relatively high efficiency. In addition, this water does not cause an allergic reaction and has a beneficial effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract of the child. Massage.
Massage the child's abdomen with your palm in a circular motion clockwise around the navel. Tactile contact with the mother calms the child, so the spasms stopped, the intestines are not compressed as gases come naturally. Gymnastics.
Placing the baby on his back, bend his legs at the knees, pulling them to your chest or elbows. In the end, abdominal muscles the child begins to strain, expelling excess air from the intestines in the most natural way. Flatus tube. Naturally, the use of this unit is always quite desirable, however, in cases where colic is combined with constipation, it is simply necessary.
These methods enable mothers to successfully cope with children's abdominal pain. In that case, if these methods don't help and the child continues to cry from pain in the tummy, it is better to show it to the pediatrician – maybe the cause of the pain is not colic, but more serious pathology requiring urgent treatment.
Source: globalscience.ru
Why is there a colic Infant colic is a problem faced by absolutely all mothers of all times and peoples. The fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the infant is not yet fully formed, and its work may be some interruptions. Most often, these disruptions are characterized by a high level of gassing, from which the child suffers from flatulence and bloating, the main symptom of which are intestinal colic.
Something to help with colic in infants? A whole lot, but first we need to understand what was the reason for their appearance. And the reason, as it turns out, very, very much. Perhaps you're wrong to put your baby to your chest or in your food, there are elements which get into the milk, contribute to the development of increased gas formation in a child.
Perhaps the child recently was crying loudly and had to swallow air (this happens often – the kids can't control the direction of the inhaled air, he can go for the trachea and esophagus). Perhaps an uncomfortable posture sleep prevented by accumulated natural gases to go outside, and these bubbles in the intestine and cause discomfort.
The fight against colic Dill water. To give the baby gripe water for the normalization of the bowel is a common practice, which is of relatively high efficiency. In addition, this water does not cause an allergic reaction and has a beneficial effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract of the child. Massage.
Massage the child's abdomen with your palm in a circular motion clockwise around the navel. Tactile contact with the mother calms the child, so the spasms stopped, the intestines are not compressed as gases come naturally. Gymnastics.
Placing the baby on his back, bend his legs at the knees, pulling them to your chest or elbows. In the end, abdominal muscles the child begins to strain, expelling excess air from the intestines in the most natural way. Flatus tube. Naturally, the use of this unit is always quite desirable, however, in cases where colic is combined with constipation, it is simply necessary.
These methods enable mothers to successfully cope with children's abdominal pain. In that case, if these methods don't help and the child continues to cry from pain in the tummy, it is better to show it to the pediatrician – maybe the cause of the pain is not colic, but more serious pathology requiring urgent treatment.
Source: globalscience.ru