Violent video games cause depression in boys

Researchers at the University of Texas conducted a number of studies that demonstrated the presence of depression in boys during prolonged play of violent games on the computer.

The experiment involved 5 thousand teenagers aged 11 years. The interesting thing is that the children were selected so that they were completely different. In other words, they had different origins, as well as the most diverse material wealth in the family.

Despite the fact that even researchers emphasize that the experiments are far from their logical conclusion, and moreover, much needs to be clarified, but today we can speculate about some connection between the phenomenon of depression in adolescents, as well as the enthusiasm for video games. In pre-adolescence, children who played computer games for more than two hours a day showed serious signs of depression.

But it is important that not all experts hold this opinion.

For example, Joaquin Anguera, a neurologist who works at the University of California, San Francisco, believes that some games have the opposite result. He independently developed a game that, as he believes, can help a person to cure depression.

In general, we emphasize the fact that the experiment is a rather interesting approach to the existing problem, because most studies are trying to find a connection between video games, as well as manifestations of aggression, and this, in turn, contradicts the results of this study.

It is known that once in reality witnessing violence, a person can immediately fall into depression. That is why we can consider justified the hypothesis of research on the probable connection of scenes of violence in virtual life with real depression.



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