JPods — unmanned booths to solar powered movement through the city

Unmanned booths around the city that are designed for power from the energy of the sun, sound like something from a sci-Fi movie, but the big surprise is a reality. A new form of transport called JPods. New Jersey was chosen as the first city to test personal transit system.
JPods is similar to the wagon train, only smaller and travel is suspended to the rails. Cabins can host only a small group of people, but thanks to this cause and to deliver passengers to certain places much easier.
The JPods concept was created by a graduate and former officer in the U.S. army, bill James.
"We are oil wars since 1990. Our concept is designed to reduce dependence on petroleum products, instead of which comes the transit system based on renewable energy."
Over JPods rails placed solar panels. Thus, the booth will move only by solar energy. The basic idea of the new transport involves the partial replacement of cars and other modes of transport. Booths JPods are in contact with each other, so that they can move in a lively and relaxed time of the day without any traffic jams.
The area Secaucus (Secaucus), new Jersey will become the first place where I run the line of movement of JPods by 2030.
JPods: On-demand Mobility from Bill James on Vimeo.
Source: www.scitech-news.ru/