Found the site of the main battle Ermak

During an archaeological expedition conducted by scientists from Tyumen state University, was made a unique discovery of archaeologists were able to detect the location of the most significant battles conducted by Ermak. The expedition called “the trail of Ermak”, undertaken in July-August, included archaeological excavations at the Karachinsky island in the lower reaches of the Tobol river.
In research took part teachers, postgraduates and students of Tyumen state University, Tyumen scientific center, scientists from the Ural and Siberian branches of RAS. During the excavations of dwellings, weapons, personal belongings of the warriors of Ermak. The most significant finding was the scene with the warriors Kuchum.
According to the expedition leader, Professor Natalia Matveeva, was the place to which the moored boats of Ermak, where the battle began and where it ended. Scientists believe that the Karachinsky island is the site of the main battle, and the feats accomplished by Yermak and his retinue.
Source: globalscience.ru