New algorithms will improve the batteries of electric vehicles

Imagine if the batteries in electric cars could change as easily as the batteries in the flashlight or the camera. Researchers from the University of California at San Diego and specialists from local engineering companies are developing technology that would allow to do this.
American engineers have proposed to use instead of bulky hard to take out batteries for electric cars rechargeable battery of several compact plug-in modules. The researchers have already tested the new technology on the 4-door Volkswagen Golf 2002 issue.
This technology completely changes the rules of the game. The idea itself may seem simple, but its realization requires solving some technical issues to improve the reliability and usability of the system, says one of the sponsors of the draft M-BEAM.
Replacement battery units can also be used as drives for solar plants and portable power generators.

To confirm the viability of its technology, scientists will make a rally car with a removable rechargeable battery blocks. In the path of the car will make a few short stops just to change the battery.
It requires a completely different approach to the control battery. The charging capacity is increased when modules are connected in parallel, which requires careful control of stray currents between modules, — says head of research group, Professor Raymond de Callafon school of Engineering Jacobs at the University of California in San Diego (USA).
A team of scientists developing algorithms for the estimation of the charge and current control for embedded mechanism, which is part of a system that controls each battery module. Algorithms provide simultaneous and coordinated work of all battery units, which differ in power level, chemical composition, age and condition.
Their findings are presented in a scientific journal in the forum IFAC World Congress in South Africa. A summary of the material provided resource PhysOrg.

Researchers believe that rechargeable, removable battery modules can solve many problems of today's electric vehicles. Hot swapping and the merging of battery modules will increase the reserve, which most electric vehicles in the range of 110 to 160 km on one charge. According to them, regular charging takes too much time (from 4 to 12 hours) and fast, which lasts only 30 minutes, pass through battery powerful current, which reduces its service life and reduces safety.
According to the researchers, the cost of an electric vehicle could be reduced to $ 10,000, if not included in the battery modules, and to lease them. In addition, more than 40 percent of urban residents inconvenienced from the fact that their electric vehicles are charged from an outlet that cannot be found on the roadside.
More removable modules can be removed from the car and recharge in the house. A combination of different types of storage devices allows to reduce energy consumption and increase cruising range. Battery modules can also be used in home system, backup power storage.
Currently, researchers are working on reducing the weight of the battery modules. As another system, this requires a developed infrastructure. According to the developers, plug-in modules should be available in any store throughout the country.
The control system is battery operated provides protection against electric shock. Scientists hope that new development will change the view of mobile energy storage for electric vehicles.
Source: hi-news.ru