Ginger is a universal medicine Ayurveda
Thirty million two hundred three thousand eighty four
Ayurveda considers ginger a universal medicine, it is how it is translated "vishvabhesadzh" in Sanskrit. The first mention of the beneficial properties of ginger can be found in ancient Chinese texts, the Koran and the tales of "Thousand and one nights". Ginger is used to treat more than two thousand years. According to Eastern healers, the regular consumption of ginger enlightens the mind. The use of ginger due to the large number of biological "fire" to control the metabolism.
Useful properties of ginger
The versatility of ginger in the treatment due to its unique composition of more than 400 compounds necessary for human organism: amino acids, vitamins, minerals.
The most important beneficial property of ginger strengthen the immune system, the treatment of colds and inflammation. He successfully kills viruses and parasites, it has diaphoretic, healing and antioxidant action.
The ginger helps with any pain, it is very good analgesic and antispasmodic, the perfect sedative.
The use of useful properties of ginger helps with abdominal pain, in the treatment of diarrhea and poisoning.
One of the remarkable properties of ginger is to eliminate the nausea. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation. Use of ginger in the treatment of digestive system gives excellent results: improves metabolism, increases appetite, removes toxins. Also slow down the aging process in the body, increasing libido.
Treatment with ginger: recipes Ayurveda
To strengthen the immune system in many countries, adding ginger in food and beer, Chinese cure cough fried with ginger.
From back pain to a mixture of ginger, turmeric and chilli in a compress. Ginger bath relieves muscle fatigue. At cold well helps decoction of ginger with turmeric and cloves. Useful to chew slices of ginger to treat angina. To strengthen the immune system uses the "gaurasundara" — a mixture of honey and lemon with fresh ginger.
Detoxification is good to eat before a meal 1ch.l. fresh ginger with lemon and salt. If you want to normalize the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, recommended ginger tea with leaves of cowberry.
Ginger retains its properties not only fresh but also dried and pickled. Just one sachet or root ginger will replace You with a box of drugs! source:esotericblog.ru
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