iPhone 6 dangerous to health because of high electromagnetic radiation

Two new models of smartphone from Apple on the radiation of electromagnetic energy are at the limit of allowed values standards and may pose a threat to human health.
The acronym SAR (eng. Specific Absorption Rate) indicates the specific absorption rate of electromagnetic energy. This indicator determines the energy of the electromagnetic field emitted in the tissues of the human body in one second. They measure the magnitude of harmful effects of mobile phones on humans.
The excessive harm of electromagnetic radiation on human health — a discussion question, an impartial study of which interferes with powerful lobby of manufacturers of smartphones and great value for the development of microelectronics for the economy and the defense sector of industry. Many researchers of this issue believe that constant contact with the powerful transmitter, which is the smartphone, can cause serious harm to health, including reproductive health, and cause several diseases.
According to accepted U.S. standards, the SAR of the smartphones should not exceed the value of 1.6 watts per kilogram for 1 gram of tissue. Meanwhile, the SAR value for the iPhone 6 is equal to 1.58 and 1.59 for the iPhone 6 Plus.
Regarding the serious health risks, which are the owners specifically the new "sixth" iPhone, already expressed in the University of California at Berkeley.
Source: ridus.ru