Second life "Electro-L"

Pay off debts for 2014. This is not news, but I just could not not write about it, "Electro-L" is risen! He is sick, but alive, and his pictures again updated the open FTP-server (login / password electro).
In November, our media has opened a real detective intrigue around the moon "Electro-L". First one official Roscosmos confirmed information known since May, the satellite not able to deliver pictures of the Earth due to defective complex management flywheels (KUDM). But developers camera for "Electro-L", suddenly said , the camera not only continues to operate successfully, but still delivers pictures of good quality. Camera and do not break, we knew it, but because outside flywheel engines put an end to the shooting. How so?
Let me remind you: meteorological satellite "Electro-L" from February 2011 to March 2014 every half hour shooting the eastern hemisphere of the Earth from a distance of 36 thousand. Km with a resolution of 1 km. Full-length size frames hundred and thirty megapixels allows you to observe the movement of clouds and weather conditions throughout the hemisphere. Along the way, was able to see the Moon's shadow passing over the Earth during a solar eclipse ; trail Chelyabinsk meteorite ; smoke major fires and other large-scale events on our side of the ball.

Here, for example, the shooting of 13 January typhoon "Banshee", which still wanders off the coast of Madagascar
Typhoon on the desktop (without animation).
High accuracy is achieved by shooting motor flywheels - mechanical devices that are due to the gyroscopic effect allows to keep the machine from moving relative to the Earth's surface. At the end of March 2014 the engine management system, the flywheel is out of order. Shooting accuracy was lost. There were even a satellite rocket engines stabilization, but they do not suit the shooting. The fact that "Electro-L" is not just a camera, a scanner, which operates on the principle of the office, scanning the field of vision of the telescope. Only instead of moving straps - rotating mirror. In weightlessness, the movement mirrors affect the whole satellite, he deflected in the opposite direction, just slightly, but it was enough to screw up the frame.

The impossibility of quality shooting without KUDM became clear back in May, so I was not expecting miracles from the old man, "Electro-L", which continued to work as a repeater Hydromet. The server has not been updated with pictures and I was waiting for "Electro-A2", which promise in the first half of 2015. Therefore, the words: & quot; Works and removes & quot ;, said in November, came as a surprise. And the right to just say, they are also posted pictures! Though only two made back in October. It somehow does not tally with the statement "the camera continues to provide a stable result." But it's better than nothing.
So, December 14, to the post office receives a message: "KUDM working again. From tomorrow resuming shooting. " This is a cool event! Recover devices that are recognized as non-working six months ago - an engineering feat. The more perfect from a distance of 36 thousand. Km. But, in my opinion, this feat then became socially significant, when the pictures are back in open access.
Finally, the evening of 15 December, when FTP has been updated, and there found the survey results for the whole week, it's time to shout "hurray" and say & quot; thanks & quot ;. Unfortunately, the previous non-stop satellite never returned. Shootings are only working time in Moscow, where experts can monitor his health. And not all the days, but the main machine is alive and fighting for his health goes every day.
And another thing: the work of "Electro-L" is important for the world of astrophysics. The experience gained by engineers, will prolong the life of another, more important for basic science, the device - "Spektr-R", which operates in the international project & quot; Radioastron & quot ;. This radio telescope exploring the distant reaches of the universe, and the longer it will last the more we learn about it.

"Electro-L" and "Spektr-R" are based on a satellite platform "Navigator", produced by NPO Lavochkin. "Electro-L" flew for six months before the radio telescope, so all the problems on its platform, and can be repeated on the "Spektr-R". Accordingly, if the engineers will be ready for them, the study of the universe in the radio can be extended.

There was only one question: "How did you manage to make this miracle of resurrection?". Traditionally, Roskosmos does not like to admit their mistakes, miscalculations and failures, and so on "Electro-L" says reluctantly. Not even announced the December "miracle of resurrection." After all, to write news "Sputnik working again" will have to admit that he had not worked. This position is logical to what some officials, but from the standpoint of public relations - PR in a good sense of the word - it is a mistake. Sin not to use such a positive reason to not tell the public about achieving their own spices. After all, shamefully silent about bounce "Electro-L" had to remain silent about the merits of technical specialists: designers, engineers, programmers, who fought for six months on the problem, and solved it!
Only on the site of the Scientific Center for Earth Operative Monitoring managed to find a modest record :
& Quot; by prolonged and painstaking research succeeded in stabilizing the spacecraft and the opportunity to use the main unit MSU-GS ... Work is underway to improve the quality of information and increase the number of sessions reception. I> & quot;
I do not know whether they received the award for their work, but also praise can be! It's free, and people are pleased. And all: any will work better and be proud of their work, if he sees that his efforts and achievements are appreciated. And from the community confidence in the industry will increase when people realize that domestic astronautics with them "in sorrow and in joy».
What prevented?
Secrecy? I know some of it to cover up their unwillingness to talk to the press and the public. But the "Electro-L" civilian satellites, I know not what miracle, and who decided to upload all his shots in open access, but if they started a policy of openness, it's worth it to continue.
There is no time? As it is easier to believe. Six people of the press service of all space agency - is too little. But here a question of priorities. Or find the time and tell what engineers fellows, repaired satellite, the only one in its class to Russia, or write about another nobody cares State Commission, which took no one interesting solutions.
I hope Roskosmos or ACCD (PKC TsNIIMash, NPOL ... at least someone) will make another miracle - the miracle of the testimony, and find a way to talk about the merits of their own engineers. This post can be considered an open letter to his native space agency: guys, let's be more friendly and honest to each other.
P.S. Said yesterday that the old problem got out again. Shots until. Perhaps all. But we can always keep the memory of the "Electro-L" on our desks and in our hearts. He did a good job, and all the people who stood behind him. I>

on the desktop. Another option in "real" colors.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244516/