In Google plans to cooperate with SpaceX

Journalists TheInformation, citing sources familiar with the situation, утверждают, that the search giant is evaluating the possibility of investment in the company SpaceX Elon Musk, well-known space projects. The subject of the contract between the two companies should become part of Google in the creation of special communications satellites, the launch of which is to provide access to cheap internet for those people on the planet, where the benefit is not yet available.
The deal has not yet been finalized, but the amount of investment in the company Elon Musk can reach a significant amount of 10 billion dollars. No other details about the timing or the specific objectives of cooperation, not yet published, but we can assume that we are talking about project launch 4000 satellites and the & quot; connectedness & quot; Mars.
It is worth noting that Google itself already long enough, a draft Project Loon, which is also focused on providing access to the Internet to residents in remote areas, but here as a carrier signal should perform network balloons. previously reported , that Project Loon has successfully completed the planned tests.
Also recently the company Richard Branson Virgin Galactics voiced plans very similar to the plans SpaceX, only less ambitious - it was the launch of the satellites in 2400 connection. C on the other hand, the company Mark Zuckerberg is also seeking access to another unreached audience, though on a smaller scale, participating in the project Internet. org, under which it is planned to provide access to the Internet at the expense of cheap devices and the optimized connection. At one time, on Facebook intention to acquire Titan Aerospace, producing a solar-powered drones, for the same purpose - to provide Internet access to cheap and autonomous devices, but Google took the decision quickly and the company досталась for they still undisclosed amount.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244510/