Wind and solar energy are catching up with nuclear

Renewable energy sources gradually increase its share in the global energy balance, while the “peaceful” atom is in a state of stagnation and even occasionally losing ground. This is stated in the latest report of the international non-profit organization Worldwatch Institute.
Experts note that the total power of installed solar panels currently meet the level of development of nuclear energy 70-ies of the last century, while the total capacity used in our time of wind turbines is comparable to the capacity of all nuclear power plants on Earth as of the mid 80-ies of XX century. It is also noted that wind and solar energy are currently evolving faster than nuclear, the period of most dynamic growth which is still in 70-e and 80-ies of the last century.
According to experts of the Worldwatch Institute, in the near future should not expect a “Renaissance” of nuclear power, the imminent occurrence of which predict some analysts. At the same time, the construction of new heliopower station and wind farms in the coming years will only accelerate.
Source: green-dom.info/
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