Hybrid car hire in the modern world

Hybrid cars have two types of engine: diesel or petrol (internal combustion) and electric. Regarding the prospects, almost all car manufacturers present at the exhibitions of the hybrid model, or expect to do so in the near future. Development of innovative solutions in this direction is at a faster pace, and, basically, those companies who are pioneers in the production of hybrid cars in series – Honda and Toyota. Their model Insight and the Prius was originally designed to use a hybrid type power plant, and not upgraded in the shortest time possible of the available models. It is also worth noting a rather interesting marketing ploy: the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius hybrid contain exclusive tips and models from other manufacturers such filling is not so easy to see.

After Europe imposed norm toxicity — Euro 5, other types of motors will be simply doomed, because the data standards to meet will, most likely, only a hybrid power-plant with a flow rate of 3 liters per 100 kilometers of road. It is doubtful that anyone wants to pay large fines for what their products does not conform to the laws. This explains the haste with which the leading automakers of the world are trying to get the models with the hybrid engine. The governments of the most developed countries insist on the spread of hybrid car models. Promised various incentives to those companies that are beginning to produce hybrid vehicle. This is due to the understanding of the problem of the limited hydrocarbon reserves in the near future will inevitably lead to their considerable rise in price. In addition, in the United States the acquisition of hybrids is based, among other things, the Patriotic feelings that "told" care about the environment of his native country.

On Russian markets not yet very much affordable hybrid cars. The difference in cost between the simple and the hybrid car is quite significant, so the question of return depends primarily on the intensity of vehicle operation. Battery life hybrid car — about 8 years, the cost of a new battery is a few thousand dollars. So we'll have to decide, of course, to the motorist.
Source: hcars.ru