Top 10 cooking tips that you need to know

1. Treat the products with vainiotalo think about how much work invested in your simple daily Breakfast. For each ingredient worked people, drove the loaded trucks, the products are tested, sorted, laid out neatly on the shelves of stores.
All that “of course”, — the fruit of the labor of so many people. Think about it before to buy something or to cook.
Please thank everyone who worked so you can calmly ate Breakfast. Don't waste products waste, prevent food spoilage, accurately calculating the amount you need. Think about how better and tastier to cook. This is the best gratitude.
2. Don't lose contact with produktliste kitchen gadgets are cool. Forceps such forceps such things, serving spoons, forks, skimmers, brushes, mallets — all super-cool. Divide and conquer.
BUT. Not paisitas on the kitchen utensils to the point where you can't remember what cabbage is to the touch. Loss of contact threat, you cease to feel the products, have no idea of the difference between the chili you bought today, from that which was last week. And suddenly he was not sharp at all once? Take it out, cut, smell, feel, bite. Learn the products inside out — their taste, aroma, texture. When you clearly understand what you're dealing with, you will be easier to navigate in the course of cooking. And, of course, in the end the dish will be much tastier. Not knowing that the food on the table and I screw up.
3. Each month try something novourania that truly great artists steal. Peeking through the keyhole on the cuisine of other countries! Especially with the Internet make it easier than ever. A great source of inspiration — Italian cuisine, I believe. Simple things and traditions in cooking, make Italian cuisine simple tasty, even in the context of the most simple dishes. For example, Italians love to toast the bread on the grill, on top of a little drizzle with olive oil, and on top of that who like, for example, curd cheese with herbs and garlic. Yum-yum. )
4. Only handmade, only hardcore!Before you buy any new cooking device, learn how to start to do things with their hands. Of course, cool to buy a smart device and save a lot of time and nerves. But it's something akin to how to buy a Mercedes, not really knowing how to Park. You can hire a driver and he will Park for you, but where's the unique feeling of unity with the car, where the proud realization that you can do everything and can do everything? Learn how to crush, grind, dry, fry gently and fluff with your hands. Torment, policies, suffered mentally and physically, but learn to do it yourself.
5. Prepare for their most loved ones, loved ones lydase just. Cook in a good mood, cook with love. Cook for someone you love. For a guy, girl, mom, dad, dog, for himself. I love to cook for all his many men, boyfriend, brothers, father. I don't know what kind of woman do this if she is not moved by watching a minute ago, hungry and angry men recklessly homyachat food, turning into a happy purring cats.
6. Use all sweeeeeeeeeeet fresh, when possible, canned where necessary and frozen when you have nowhere to go.
Frozen foods — is not true. Everything must be as fresh. Keep this in mind and try to use as often as possible fresh food.
7. During cooking taste. Several times!If you have no habit to taste your dish during cooking — urgent pareuchaetes! Because, with a probability of 99%, you will receive a completely unpredictable and likely not a very tasty result. I want you, not want — and took a shot. The more often the better. The more often you practice, the fewer mistakes you will make.
8. Allow the product to reach room temperaturea need, only taking products from the refrigerator or freezer right this very minute to throw them in a frying pan or a saucepan. This is especially true of meat and fish. Make sure to get them in advance and allow to reach room temperature. Then the pulp is cooked evenly and the cooking time will be reduced.
9. Work clean and clean up immediately after Sebato very wonderful habit to clean up immediately after yourself. All this can kind of understand it, but for some reason nobody does. Came, swept all the visible trash in a pile, on the open piece of table something they will go up threw the pan, quickly eaten, dirty dishes thrown in the sink with a light intent wash "tomorrow morning", and left. Everything is wonderful, but "tomorrow morning" is usually a day or two, the dishes pile, the place is nowhere and even melancholy green.
The moral of the story is — clean up as we go! Cooked, took the damn pan immediately and washed, minute things. It is extremely easy, and frees you from the endless and unfulfilled "Breakfast". In addition, the workplace always clean and free. Beauty.
10. "The eye" can make all but wybickiego you fiddling with baking — at least one of your eyes should be looking to the text of the recipe. Very carefully proofread the recipe and measure everything with surgical precision. Even if it will not too edible, comfort yourself with the thought that you did everything you could.
source: koko.by
Source: /users/1077
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