Indian electric cars to conquer Western Europe

By the end of this year, the Indian company Mahindra hopes to start selling the new model of the Reva E20 electric car. The concept of this car was presented last year. Since designers have refined some of the optional features of the car. In particular, due to the increased requirements in the countries of Western Europe to the systems safety of machinery, the design of electric vehicle is included as airbags and ABS system and amplification device of control car while driving. In addition, the capacity of the battery is considerably increased.

New car hatchback features a electric motor with a capacity of twenty-six horsepower, and battery Li-ion type. Due to this, without recharging the novelty can travel about hundred kilometers. As for the process of charging, the required time is only five hours. The maximum speed is still small: around eighty kilometres per hour, but for the movement in terms of European cities, the car is quite suitable. In addition, one of the advantages of the new electric car is its compactness, which gives additional benefits to the owner of such a car in fast Parking.

Source: vmotore.info/