How to cook mulled wine
The cold is in full swing! How to cook mulled wine? Zapisuem recipe and pamper yourself with a frosty evening!
The main component of mulled wine is wine. The considered ideal red wine, and with the lowest content of sugar and alcohol. The rest of the components is so diverse that the preparation of mulled wine becomes truly creative process, the basis of which is improvisation.
Seventy one million four hundred thirty one thousand four hundred fifty
What is included in the mulled wine?
In the mulled wine may enter:
— spices – cinnamon, cloves, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, nutmeg
— citrus – orange, lemon, grapefruit
— fruits – apples, pears
— alcoholic drinks – brandy, liqueur, rum, brandy, port wine, alcohol
— other ingredients – honey, burnt sugar, tea, coffee.
None of the used components should not dominate and interfere with the wine taste. The task of the various additives is the enrichment of the basic aroma and taste of wine. In General, the possible combinations and improvisation in the creation of the drink.
During the preparation of mulled wine you need to ensure that it is in any case do not boil. Therefore, as a rule, it is simply heated on a small fire (until the white foam), or are strongly heat the drink, and then give it a brew. It is important to remember that heating the wine only one time. Mulled wine you drink hot, immediately after cooking. Although to keep the drink in the thermos, all the more so, it is possible to take, for example, during a winter walk.
But no matter how delicious and amazing not to get a mulled wine is to abuse them is not worth it, because this is still an alcoholic beverage, and hot and containing the active substance (the spices).
Mulled Wine Classic
Source: incity.in.ua
Source: /users/4
The main component of mulled wine is wine. The considered ideal red wine, and with the lowest content of sugar and alcohol. The rest of the components is so diverse that the preparation of mulled wine becomes truly creative process, the basis of which is improvisation.
Seventy one million four hundred thirty one thousand four hundred fifty
What is included in the mulled wine?
In the mulled wine may enter:
— spices – cinnamon, cloves, allspice, black pepper, cardamom, nutmeg
— citrus – orange, lemon, grapefruit
— fruits – apples, pears
— alcoholic drinks – brandy, liqueur, rum, brandy, port wine, alcohol
— other ingredients – honey, burnt sugar, tea, coffee.
None of the used components should not dominate and interfere with the wine taste. The task of the various additives is the enrichment of the basic aroma and taste of wine. In General, the possible combinations and improvisation in the creation of the drink.
During the preparation of mulled wine you need to ensure that it is in any case do not boil. Therefore, as a rule, it is simply heated on a small fire (until the white foam), or are strongly heat the drink, and then give it a brew. It is important to remember that heating the wine only one time. Mulled wine you drink hot, immediately after cooking. Although to keep the drink in the thermos, all the more so, it is possible to take, for example, during a winter walk.
But no matter how delicious and amazing not to get a mulled wine is to abuse them is not worth it, because this is still an alcoholic beverage, and hot and containing the active substance (the spices).
Mulled Wine Classic
- 1 bottle (0,75) of table red wine,
- cloves 6-7 pieces,
- nutmeg to taste,
- water 1/3 Cup,
- sugar 1 tbsp.
Source: incity.in.ua
Source: /users/4
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