Cough gluvine, enemy of sore throat, foe of flu! Please do not forget to take it if...

Autumn is depression time. Not because it's sad, it's just too cold! In winter and worse - snow, then dirt. And colds at every turn. Where socks and plaids can not cope, gluvine - traditional - will come to the rescue. German.


The history of gluvine begins in ancient Rome. Due to the correct combination of spices in the drink, their essential oils are of great benefit. In our kitchens, the drink has penetrated with a changed name “melted wine”. I advise you to prepare a fragrant medicine according to a new recipe. I warn you, he has a secret. One trick gives the drink a magical aftertaste.


There are thousands of ways. How to cook mulled wine at home. In the classic version, dry or semi-dry wine is used, in which no more than 7% of alcohol is used. It brews cinnamon, cloves, lemon crusts, badyan and ginger, sweetened with honey. Other options for the drink are experiments with mixing different components.

How to cook mulled wine Try to cook Romanian Christmas mulled according to the recipe from this article. It was always prepared by my grandfather from Brasov. I have never tried a better drink anywhere. See the step-by-step instructions, how to make ordinary mulled wine festive.


You'll need it.
  • 1 litre of red wine (dry or semi-dry)
  • 250 ml of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 15g fresh ginger
  • 7 peas of sweet pepper
  • 3 black pepper peas
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 5 inflorescences of cloves
  • 2 banyan flower
  • 2.5g ground nutmeg
  • 3 cardamom buds
  • rosemary
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • handful
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar or honey

The list of ingredients is impressive, but the drink is worth it. The aroma of each spice opens differently in a hot and cooled drink. It is one thing to drink hot wine with cinnamon and quite another to enjoy the fragrance and spicy taste.

  1. First thing, cook. spicy. Wash the apples well. Pour them and all spices, except rosemary, with cold water. Apples are needed dry, they draw in the aroma of spices and slowly give away their guilt. Add to the mixture peeled orange peel. Cut the ginger in slices.

  2. Place the spices with water on a very slow fire and cover. It's important! Bring to a boil, boil for literally 2 minutes and get off the fire. Let me brew for at least an hour.
  3. Take the bay leaf out of the pan. He did his job, if you cook it longer, the drink will be bitter and excessively laurel.

  4. Now it's interesting. Add half to the spices cold-wine. It is cold, the longer it will heat up with spices, the better absorb their aromas. Slowly heat it to 70 degrees without a lid. Higher temperature is not needed, otherwise the drink will have a bitter taste. If you don't have a thermometer, check the temperature with your little finger. He has to endure 5 seconds. If you tolerate more, warm more, check literally every minute so that the wine does not boil.

  5. Take the drink off the stove, cover it and let it stand for 15 minutes. Add the rest of the wine, the juice of half a lemon, a few slices of orange, a sprig of rosemary and brown sugar or honey. Stir everything well and heat again to 70 degrees under the lid.

  6. Quickly pour mulled wine into cups and enjoy the taste! It is better to pour through a tissue napkin or strainer. Serve a drink with cinnamon stick, orange slice and whole spices.


If you do not drink alcohol, instead of wine use grape juice or pomegranate, currant. Try to repeat the recipe with white wine, it is also delicious! If you can't find fresh spices, replace them with dry ones. And be sure to wait a couple of minutes after cooking so that they settle to the bottom.


Preparing a healthy and aromatic drink is not difficult. I'm sure you'll make it, don't freeze under the blanket, make mulled wine! Also try to make a real home Baileys. Sweet and coffee - just what you need for your favorite guests.

Now you know, How to cook mulled wine at home Better than a restaurant. Tell your friends about it, let them come to visit!


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