Meat and fish cooked on the fire is more dangerous than alcohol
Meat and fish soaked in oil, covered with a mixture of salt, pepper and spices and cooked over a fire is one of the most common causes of esophageal cancer.
When meat or fish are cooked directly on the fire, they absorb carcinogens, why be even more dangerous than Smoking or alcohol.
In one study, medical students interviewed 101 patients with cancer of the Department of surgical gastroenterologists about their way of life and preferences in meal, and then compared their answers with those of healthy people on the same questions. Statistical analysis of the data showed that people who ate smoked meat, the risk of cancer was nine times higher than that of people who did not have it in your diet. The study also showed that smokers risk of Contracting cancer was higher eight times, and those who drank alcohol – four times.
This is not the first case when the researchers associated with cancer smoked meat. Already talked about BBQ and meat cooked on the grill. Coal and gas used for cooking meat, secrete chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which remain on the meat. Laboratory tests have shown that these chemicals can cause cancer in animals.
Some studies have linked exposure to PAHs results from the development of cancer in humans. Experts in nutrition say that when salty fatty meat exposed to smoke from wood or charcoal, it absorbs a huge amount of resin which may contain carcinogens. In this sense, eating smoked meat is not much different from Smoking tobacco.
The researchers acknowledge that cancer is associated with many other factors, not considered in this study, but they discovered risks can not be ignored.
For example, many people with cancer during the interview, said that in their diet there is fried fish (including cooked on the fire). In addition, many re-use oil that can also be one of the factors that can cause cancer. We don't say a categorical "no" well roasted or smoked meat. Because we have no direct evidence that would allow to do it. But still helps to know what products belong to the category of high risk and should be excluded as much as possible from our diet.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077

When meat or fish are cooked directly on the fire, they absorb carcinogens, why be even more dangerous than Smoking or alcohol.
In one study, medical students interviewed 101 patients with cancer of the Department of surgical gastroenterologists about their way of life and preferences in meal, and then compared their answers with those of healthy people on the same questions. Statistical analysis of the data showed that people who ate smoked meat, the risk of cancer was nine times higher than that of people who did not have it in your diet. The study also showed that smokers risk of Contracting cancer was higher eight times, and those who drank alcohol – four times.
This is not the first case when the researchers associated with cancer smoked meat. Already talked about BBQ and meat cooked on the grill. Coal and gas used for cooking meat, secrete chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which remain on the meat. Laboratory tests have shown that these chemicals can cause cancer in animals.
Some studies have linked exposure to PAHs results from the development of cancer in humans. Experts in nutrition say that when salty fatty meat exposed to smoke from wood or charcoal, it absorbs a huge amount of resin which may contain carcinogens. In this sense, eating smoked meat is not much different from Smoking tobacco.
The researchers acknowledge that cancer is associated with many other factors, not considered in this study, but they discovered risks can not be ignored.
For example, many people with cancer during the interview, said that in their diet there is fried fish (including cooked on the fire). In addition, many re-use oil that can also be one of the factors that can cause cancer. We don't say a categorical "no" well roasted or smoked meat. Because we have no direct evidence that would allow to do it. But still helps to know what products belong to the category of high risk and should be excluded as much as possible from our diet.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077
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