How to convince someone—14 tips from Robert Kiyosaki

1. (rule of Homer), the Order of the arguments being presented affected their credibility. The most convincing in the following order of arguments: the strong — the middle one is the strongest.
2. (Socrates) To obtain a positive decision is very important for you to question, put the question at third, predosla him two short, simple for the source of the issue, which he without difficulty will tell you "Yes".
3. (Pascal's rule) do Not drive the interlocutor in the corner. Give him the opportunity to "save face".
4. A persuasive argument largely depends on the image and status of the persuader.
5. Do not drive yourself into a corner. Do not reduce your status. 6. Do not belittle the status and image of the interlocutor.
7. The arguments pleasant companion we are lenient, a to unpleasant arguments critically.
8. Wanting to change the interlocutor, does not begin with you sharing moments with what you agree with your opponent.
9. Show empathy.
10. Be a good listener.
11. Avoid contentious.
12. Check whether you understand each other?
13. Sledite for facial expressions, gestures, postures
14. Show me what you offer meets some of the needs of the interlocutor.
source: cred-fin.ru
Source: /users/1077