Neurologist David Permutter — cereals destroy the brain

If you like Breakfast cereal and snacking throughout the day sandwiches, perhaps you had better not even read. Since, according to the findings of Dr. David Perlmutter, grain destroying the brain.
David Pelmutter — famous neurologist and President of a private health Center in Naples (FL), studying the relationship between lifestyle, nutrition and dementia.
Has recently published a new book of Dr. Pelmutter "the Amazing truth about grains, carbs and sugar are silent killers of your brain." He is convinced that it is necessary to reduce consumption of not only carbohydrates, which are considered harmful.
Pelmutter believes that consumption of grains can lead to dementia, chronic headaches, depression, epilepsy and other health problems. Our brain for the normal functioning of necessary fats and cholesterol, but with cereals it can hurt.

Pelmutter argues that it is possible to avoid the development of Alzheimer's disease and other severe diseases when you change lifestyle and nutrition.
Despite advances in modern medicine, mankind is losing the fight for their health when we are talking about the need to change habitual way of life.
"Lifestyle is crucial for the development of Alzheimer's disease. However, since this information cannot be monetized, no one is trying to bring it to the General public," wrote Pelmutter.
He believes that the risk of Alzheimer's can be reduced significantly by adhering to a diet low in carbohydrates (no more than 60-80 grams a day) and adding to the diet more fats: olive oil, cold-pressed coconut oil, grass-fed beef, wild-caught from natural reservoirs fish... the doctor recommends exercise and polinenasyshchenne fatty acids.
Thus, according to Perlmutter, we must return to eating habits that were peculiar to our ancient ancestors. 75 percent of our diet should be fats, and only 5 percent carbohydrates. Today the average person consumes about 60 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat.
Human genes have evolved over thousands of years thus, to adapt to foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates. Today, however, we feed our bodies the opposite way, which has a negative effect on our brain.
In addition, Perlmutter believes that humans that eat more fatty foods, deposited less fat than in the organisms of those who prefers the carbohydrates.
"We like to think that bun whole grains and orange juice — perfect Breakfast, but this muffin has 400 calories and it consists almost entirely of carbohydrates with gluten".
"Orange juice fared no better, as it contains nine full spoons of pure sugar as much as Coca-Cola".
"It's time to re-learn. You can have vegetables at Breakfast — the world won't turn over. You can eat smoked salmon, eggs from free range hens with olive oil and goat cheese and feel fine throughout the day. It's much better than to eat a Breakfast high in carbohydrates, and in 10 hours have to eat chocolate from the vending machine because the blood sugar has fallen and the brain refuses to work."
However, not everyone is ready to accept this theory. The conclusions of experts nonprofits Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council (GLNC), for example, contradict the conclusions outlined in the book Dr. Perlmutter.
Specialist nutrition programs GLNC Michael broom says that the research that is currently available to the organization, attest to the beneficial qualities of cereals to human health. They suggest there are grains three or four times a day and at least half of these cereals should be whole grain products or foods with high fiber content.
"The findings of Dr. Perlmutter are based more on his own experience, the examination of particular cases, than on the consideration of the whole complex of data on the impact of cereal on the entire body. His position lacks scientific basis," says Broome.
Many experts working in the food industry, also considered nonsense the proposal to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates. Some called the book of Perlmutter even dangerous because it can lead to excessive enthusiasm of his followers meat, and dairy products. But such a diet is known to increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
source: mixednews.ru
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