Tincture of mistletoe — useful properties, recipes and application
Mistletoe (white) is a perennial evergreen shrub, this shrub prefers to grow on the branches of birch, pear, Apple, poplar, Linden, pine, maple, white acacia, willow and hawthorn. Mistletoe is a danger to fruit trees, as it penetrates the roots under the bark, and draws out the juices. But people have learned to use this plant to treat many diseases. Experts herbalists believe that the mistletoe, which was collected on Christmas eve, or immediately after it, possesses the greatest curative power.
Viscum album has a folk name of "witch's broom", medicinal drugs made based on it, have diuretic, sedative, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, laxative and anti-sclerotic, antitumor, and anticonvulsant actions. All this is in the truest sense of the word promotes the "balayage" of many diseases from the body.Also mistletoe strengthens the immune system, significantly lowers blood pressure in women increases the rush of milk per lactation period. All this is due to the fact that the mistletoe go: organic and fatty acids, phenols, carbohydrates, rubber, triterpene saponins, steroids, flavonoids, cardenolides.
Preparations from mistletoe, like many drugs have their contraindications. They are not recommended under reduced pressure, under reduced functioning of the thyroid gland, and in pregnancy.
Drugs from omely pharmacology for preparing medicines based on mistletoe are mainly used young shoots and leaves. The berries of mistletoe are very toxic, and official medicine uses them only for the preparation of special medicines.
With mistletoe and rich biological composition that allows its use to treat cardiovascular system, to expand the vessels.
Alcohol tincture of mistletoe helps: improve blood circulation, cleanse blood vessels, lower excitability of the nervous system, restore metabolism, and suspends the division of tumor cells.
Tincture of mistletoe can be purchased at a pharmacy or make it at home. In order to prepare a tincture of mistletoe, we have a capacity of dark glass (preferably) to sprinkle the stems and leaves of mistletoe (chopped). Raw materials need to take 50 grams. Further, it is necessary to fill high-quality vodka or alcohol (0.5 liters). The future of medicine, infuse for a month, and periodically shake. Before using you will need to drain.
Tincture of mistletoe should be consumed before a meal a teaspoon 3 times a day. Half a liter of the drug is treatment course. The duration of treatment must be pre-coordinated with the specialist.
Mistletoe is for the treatment of diseases used in different forms: tincture, decoction, infusion, powder, fluid extract from leaves. These tools can be used both topically and inside.
With radiculitis, osteochondrosis and pain in joints can prepare the following recipe for friction: pour boiling water (2 cups) mistletoe (two tablespoons) and leave for 2 hours, then strain. This infusion RUB the sore spots, and wrap them in warm cloth.
You can prepare and even aqueous extract of the mistletoe: a teaspoon of minced raw, pour in glass of cold water. The next morning the solution is filtered warm and use warm. Used as mikroklizm when polyps in direct kickeri sprintsevani there are problems in the female sexual sphere. This infusion can also be taken three times a day inside a quarter Cup for half an hour before meals.
Source: /users/1077

Viscum album has a folk name of "witch's broom", medicinal drugs made based on it, have diuretic, sedative, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, laxative and anti-sclerotic, antitumor, and anticonvulsant actions. All this is in the truest sense of the word promotes the "balayage" of many diseases from the body.Also mistletoe strengthens the immune system, significantly lowers blood pressure in women increases the rush of milk per lactation period. All this is due to the fact that the mistletoe go: organic and fatty acids, phenols, carbohydrates, rubber, triterpene saponins, steroids, flavonoids, cardenolides.
Preparations from mistletoe, like many drugs have their contraindications. They are not recommended under reduced pressure, under reduced functioning of the thyroid gland, and in pregnancy.
Drugs from omely pharmacology for preparing medicines based on mistletoe are mainly used young shoots and leaves. The berries of mistletoe are very toxic, and official medicine uses them only for the preparation of special medicines.
With mistletoe and rich biological composition that allows its use to treat cardiovascular system, to expand the vessels.
Alcohol tincture of mistletoe helps: improve blood circulation, cleanse blood vessels, lower excitability of the nervous system, restore metabolism, and suspends the division of tumor cells.
Tincture of mistletoe can be purchased at a pharmacy or make it at home. In order to prepare a tincture of mistletoe, we have a capacity of dark glass (preferably) to sprinkle the stems and leaves of mistletoe (chopped). Raw materials need to take 50 grams. Further, it is necessary to fill high-quality vodka or alcohol (0.5 liters). The future of medicine, infuse for a month, and periodically shake. Before using you will need to drain.
Tincture of mistletoe should be consumed before a meal a teaspoon 3 times a day. Half a liter of the drug is treatment course. The duration of treatment must be pre-coordinated with the specialist.
Mistletoe is for the treatment of diseases used in different forms: tincture, decoction, infusion, powder, fluid extract from leaves. These tools can be used both topically and inside.
With radiculitis, osteochondrosis and pain in joints can prepare the following recipe for friction: pour boiling water (2 cups) mistletoe (two tablespoons) and leave for 2 hours, then strain. This infusion RUB the sore spots, and wrap them in warm cloth.
You can prepare and even aqueous extract of the mistletoe: a teaspoon of minced raw, pour in glass of cold water. The next morning the solution is filtered warm and use warm. Used as mikroklizm when polyps in direct kickeri sprintsevani there are problems in the female sexual sphere. This infusion can also be taken three times a day inside a quarter Cup for half an hour before meals.
Source: /users/1077