Another floating solar power plant in Japan claims to be the largest in the world

Currently floating solar power plant become a new "hit" in renewable energy. Indeed, the idea to generate energy from the sun, not allocating additional land area, is for many countries is quite attractive. So recently the island nation of Japan stated about the new project of construction of floating solar power stations which output power is today the largest in the world.
This is not the first application for the title of largest solar plant on water. We will remind, in July of this year, the Indian national hydropower Corporation (NHPC limited) has announced plans for the construction of reservoirs in the southern state of Kerala of objects with photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 50 MW. However, these plans were deemed unfeasible.
Later in September, the Japanese company Kyocera announced the creation of the world's largest floating solar power plant in Kato city, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan – units with total capacity of 2.9 MW, will be located on the waters Nishikura and Higashimura.
But now the championship can catch a new project floating systems for the generation of solar energy – the government Kawajima-machi, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, a developer of power plant capacity 7.5 MW which will be built on an agricultural reservoir Umenokifurukori area of about 130 thousand square meters. It is planned that the water will be released 27456 arrays of solar photovoltaic panels. Solar panels will be supplied by the company Yingli Solar, and the inverters will be obtained from Schneider Electric.
Construction is scheduled to begin in mid-January 2015, well, the beginning of electricity production scheduled for October 2015. The plant is expected to produce over 8.3 million kWh per year.
Source: www.cheburek.net
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