Prepare fermented baked milk at home

What do you think, whether you can drink fermented baked milk? No. True. it is impossible to drink. It can only is. Spoons. However, the modern citizen often refuses to recognize such a product. Have your homemade yogurt diluted with milk, yogurt or water...
Fermented baked milk at home usloviyah need to prepare sour milk?Fresh milk. Preferably, the present village. What is now often brought and sold from barrels in suburban towns, rarely in cities.
Sour cream. Real, fresh. We need sour cream for fermentation. Living the cream can be determined by shelf life: the longer the allowable storage period, the greater the suspicion causes dairy product. So the leaven worked 100%, sour cream should be at the beginning of the above-mentioned expiration date. In fairness, I note, smetana starter never failed. Unlike yogurt.
Wide ceramic pot and oven. For the preparation of baked milk. Probably, the clarified milk can be prepared otherwise, but I know how to heat the milk is in the oven in a ceramic pot. Is it possible to prepare fermented baked milk from the purchase of warm milk? I doubt it. The fact that the milk must be vegetablesin preferably not heated again. The secret of sustainable success in the fermentation of sour milk, apparently, is that baked milk is sterile. During fermentation of yoghurt from boiled milk, the probability that the process will not go much higher. To prepare sour milk doesn't even need the thermos.
A warm place in the house. I attach the pot at the battery, encased it on all sides with a blanket Clean thermometer for liquid.
Cooking instructions home agenciesthe malacologie milk brought to a boil in a wide saucepan. Attention, open a little secret: After boiling, the milk must be boiled on low heat for 5-10 minutes, then he will have less chance to escape in the oven.
Pour the hot milk in a clean ceramic pot. Approximately 1/3 of the volume must remain free. Put in the oven higher. Cover is not available. Bring to the boil and turn the heat to low (I get a stable oven temperature of about 180 degrees). The first time it is necessary to ensure that the milk does not run away. To do this, heat a spoon or pierce with a fork formed foam. Total cooking time baked milk — 1.5-3 hours, to taste. Longer to heat, the darker and thicker the yogurt. Present undiluted baked milk is very tasty. Sometimes I don't even have time to ferment....
Fermentation agenciesthe milk to 40-42 degrees. Cast part into a clean Cup to dissolve the sour cream. The more cream, the thicker and fatter get fermented baked milk. But for starter, it is sufficient to 1 tablespoon per liter of warm milk. Pour back into the pot, stir. Put to the battery, wrapped with a blanket.
Until the end of fermentation left alone. Do not shake, do not stir!
About the battery. The battery can be so hot, the yeast will die. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature in the pot rose above 40 degrees. Below — you can. I once calculated, and "welded" the entire colony of bacteria. Had to refresh it.
Resultaterne is ready, when will be the "single entity" and would easily move away from the wall when you tilt the pot. Then, it is better to go in the fridge. Mix up fermented baked milk — a matter of taste.
Bon appetit!
Source: sadovos.ru/retseptyi-lenivyih-blyud/ryazhenka-v-domashnih-usloviyah
Candied orange peel
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