The future of food or the essence of globalization of the food industry
"The Future Of Food" ("Future of food") is an American documentary film which describes an investigation of patented genetically modified foods that are distributed in grocery stores in the United States in the last decade.
Also expressing their views of ordinary farmers in disagreement with the food industry and details the impacts of GMOs on their lives. The film generally opposes the patenting of living organisms, and describes the disappearance of traditional cultural plants.
The film reveals the essence of globalization of the food industry. It States that international companies are gradually displace farmers from their land in many countries, that monoculture farming might lead to global dependence of man on the food corporations, and that increases the risk of environmental disasters caused by the reduction of biological diversity. For example, local varieties of Mexican corn are replaced by subsidized from USA with varieties of GMO corn.
Source: vk.com/project_aoj?w=wall-53900174_8249