A sensor that can give a person the ability to sense magnetic fields

Researchers have unveiled a new type of sensor that can give a person the ability to sense magnetic fields. It allows you to navigate the magnetic field like bacteria, insects and even some vertebrates, such as birds and sharks. In other words, doing things that are unnatural for humans. A team of researchers has created an electronic skin with a magnetic-sensory system that gives its wearer a “sixth sense” consisting of the ability to sense static and dynamic magnetic fields. A similar ability had the character Magneto from the movie “X-Men”.
These ultra-thin magnetic sensors with extraordinary mechanical strength are ideally suited as stealth wearable navigation devices, say scientists at the Leibniz Research Institute of Solid Bodies and Materials in Dresden.
The new sensors are expected to be used in robotics (soft machines), medicine (implants) and for spatial orientation (navigators). On their basis, artificial hypersensitive skin can be created.

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, the new sensors do not exceed two microns in thickness and weigh only three grams per square meter of the product. They are so light that they do not even penetrate the soap bubble. These sensors can withstand a bend of less than three microns and continue to work even when crumpled like a piece of paper.

According to scientists, if you place such a sensor on an elastic substrate, it can be stretched more than twice – 270 percent of the length. And the device is able to withstand such stress more than 1000 times.
Researchers say they are trying to make e-skin look like natural leather in both functionality and appearance.
Source: hi-news.ru