Healing word mother

Mom to a sick toddler – medication stronger than pills, powders and potions. Mom can help your child cope with any, even the most severe illness. One of the most famous child psychiatrists and psychotherapists, Professor Boris Zinovievich Drapkin, who created a unique psychotherapeutic technique for the treatment of children's ailments — Mother therapy. His method is perfected and patented, and is recognized by the all-Russian society of child psychiatrists, approved by the Ministry of health.
What is the essence of this known method?
Between the young child and his mother there are VERY close emotional connection, which is laid, biologically speaking, the stages of pregnancy and lactation.
The mother's voice becomes a sort of inner voice of a small child, so it affects him much more than any therapist. Especially if my mom's voice translates the little man what he needs most – a mother's love and a sense of security – a kind of psychological placenta.
That's why almost every mother can become the healer of their child.
Here is what could be called "message of love". So is the setting up of a son or daughter with the mother the emotional wave. Then there is "physical block": a mother gives the child its perfect, without defects and ailments, the way. The next block of the neuro-psychological. And, finally, "the unit folk medicine." "Filmed" with a child's illness may become and ordinary cold, and something much more serious. And ends the therapy session the same as it began, light of love. Mother affirms its unity with the son or daughter, naturalness and permanence of their connection. The child may be sure it is protected, mother with him, she loves him.
The technique is useful for anyone, including healthy child, phrases and expressions are carefully selected. You have to learn these phrases and every night to say his son, he waited until he was asleep.
Technique mother-therapy
Go to the crib of the baby after 20-30 minutes, make sure he's asleep, lightly Petronas to the handle or the head and say (first mentally and then out loud) phrase by phrase.
Try to do it slowly, with all the force of his maternal beliefs, like sending the kid "waves of love".
Repeat the procedure every day. The program lasts in average for 2 months, but the improvement in the condition of the child will begin earlier.To change the wording and rearrange phrases in places not worth it, as this sequence has proven effective in helping many thousands of children. This is a common program that can be applied in some simple cases independently. An individual program is created and adjusted during treatment by a specialist. The most important thing is to always finish what you need assurances boundless maternal love. The entire program is absolutely positive, there's no "not". You simply awaken in your child a desire to be good, happy, healthy, and reinforce the confidence that this is possible.
Here is the text of the basic blocks review Dr. Drapkina.
1-th block. Vitamin motherly love
I love you very-very much.
You are the most precious and dear, I have.
You're my native piece, native child.
I without you cannot live.
Me and daddy love you very much.
The 2nd unit. Physical health.
(Mom mentally is the perfect image of your child.)
You are strong, healthy, beautiful child, my boy (my girl).
You eat well and so quickly grow and develop. (This phrase works fine. Maleic a good appetite.)
You have a strong, healthy heart, breast, tummy. (There is a setting to cut off all psychosomatic diseases: asthma, cardiac neurosis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract...) — You can easily and beautifully move. (Cut off all movement disorders.) You tempered, rarely and a little sick."
3rd block. Neuro-mental health
You're a quiet boy (girl). You have a good strong nerves. — You are patient, you're good, you're sociable.
You're a smart boy. You have a well developed head. You all are well aware of and remember.
You always have a good mood, and you love to smile. (Children are to be protected from depression and a whole group of mental disorders.)
You're a good sleeper. (This setting very quickly begins to act.) You can easily and quickly fall asleep, you see only good and positive dreams. You have a good rest when you sleep.
You have a well and quickly developing it.
4-th block. Emotional effect, cleansing from diseases
I pick up and throw your disease and your problem. (The mother calls the child's problem specifically.)
I pick up and throw away your bad dream. (If the child is not sleeping). I pick up and throw away your bad dreams.
I pick up and throw your crying.
I pick up and throw out your dislike of the food.
I love you very-very much.
Source: eco-mir.org/ru/node/3923