For the purchase of electric cars, the French will pay 10 thousand

The French government will pay up to 10,000 euros to those who refuse conventional cars in favor of electric.
The Minister of ecology ségolène Royal recently confirmed the introduction of an "environmental super-bonus" for each, replacing your diesel car for an electric model or a hybrid device.
According to the newspaper Le Parisien, the amount of the environmental bonus will reach 10 000 Euro.
"Our main goal is to encourage drivers to use eco-friendly transport", — said the Minister.
Up to this point payments were 27% of the purchase price and reached to an average of 6 300 euros, provided that the disposal will be subject to the car having a 13-year-old and above the lifetime of an urban area.
National objective in the French law on energy transition is the launch of the network of environmentally friendly cars. As you know, in 2014 in France was sold 10 560 electric vehicles.
Source: newsland.com
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