Energy food

The energetics of food according to the Vedas
The Vedic tradition divides food into sattva, rajasic and tamasic. Sattva stands for harmony and Holiness. Such food accept the prophets and sages. It includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, honey, sometimes here include milk. It is desirable that the food was raw, not processed. However, if she cooked on the fire, then sit down immediately, literally within hours. Warm-up (e.g., put on a night in the fridge soup) always turns it into a tamasic product.
Rajas represents passion and belligerence. This food is inherent to political figures, soldiers, lovers, gluttons and, in General, most people. Its main criterion is a strong taste: sweet, salty, spicy, smoked... If the person is a lover of spices and is said to be gourmet, it is definitely one of this group.
Tamas means decay, decomposition and death. This includes food, basically not usable: moldy, rotten, stale. As mentioned above, any re-heating makes the product tamasic.
How to charge food
Those who once ate with the hare Krishnas, you know that it is a necessary attribute of cooking them is to invest in the food and positive energy. I have not once had to observe this process. Remember, we all joined hands, standing around a cauldron with food, and meditated on the sound "Om" at the same time thinking solely about the good. And, by the way, nowhere have I more has not eaten anything tastier!
This was also indicated by more materialistic-minded people. For example, Dr. Horace Fletcher, known for his method of a healthy diet. It is believed that the basis of his doctrine – chew your food thoroughly. However, one of the components of the system is to sit at the table in good spirits. The author advises to feel gratitude and even leads the corresponding prayer.
By the way, about prayer. Because in every religious community, including Christian culture, every meal begins with gratitude to a higher power. It seems that, like many traditions, it has deep meaning.
Stories of ordinary people
Olga: "When I was a child I wondered why from eating one of our cousin every time there is an upset stomach. But made, from a formal point of view, theoretically, perfectly and very tasty. And only years later found out how much she's always hated our family. Probably feeding treats each time thought: "So you poisoned!". So it is important that a sense owns the cook".
Eugene: "Cook me, certainly taught my mother. And, in General, all food composition and cooking process, we fully coincide. But unlike my cooking art "on the run", it is with the soul is invested in this process. Does not this all her food is much tastier?..".
People tell you that "knowledge of magic kitchen" and also that "not only food, but all the objects and things made by man, carry the memory energy, of the human condition, and it is transmitted in space and in time."
In conclusion
Whatever views may have held the people on this issue, one thing is clear: food on the run or behind a TV or computer definitely will not be any good. Not by chance in ancient times the feast was inseparable from the feast and feast. The food was Holy: she thanked her blessed, and only in our century of market of abundance, we get fast food, "coffee to go", many unclaimed rotten food in the garbage disposal and, as a result of the disease. Isn't it time to stop and at least to chew food at least 32 times, as advised by Fletcher?..
Author: Julia Lewanska
Source: ierofanta.net/energetika-pishi.php