Children: What are the consequences of early development
Thirty eight million four hundred seventy eight thousand two hundred sixty one
I'm against early development!
Relatives think I'm lazy and irresponsible. I have three kids (eldest daughter of four and a half years), and I imagine, do not deal with them nor reading, nor writing, or mathematics. Moreover, I'm glad with grandparents children spend no more than six hours per week, of which training accounts for less than half. So, in the remaining time I will be able to reduce the negative effects of extremely high training activity. Why I advocate so unpopular in the modern world views? Come to me "secret knowledge" about the dangers of early intellectual development?
In our days on all sides is heard a word about the fact that we live in the "information society" that the key is intelligence. From this, many parents conclude that the child should get a huge intellectual burden from the cradle. This is seen as the key to a successful career, prosperous life and so on. Really early start is not always an advantage. We will try to substantiate this approach and illustrate it with concrete examples.
To the detriment of health
As a neurologist I have to advise and treat children with headache, involuntary movements (tics), urinary incontinence. Every week I give to kids who have these symptoms appeared within one month from the beginning of any kind of intellectual activity. Are these symptoms only when the parents decide to change the mode of day and rest of the child and strip him of the lion's share of intellectual activity.
Why is this happening? The fact that the child's brain Matures gradually. First Mature nervous centers responsible for respiration and digestion and then by the movement and only then emotional control, the will and reading. If forced to follow this sequence, if you start to develop reading centers before the previous one Matures, the development of a child can deviate from the norm.
Excessive intellectual stress causes the blood flow to the cerebral cortex. When this is depleted the blood supply to the centers responsible for breathing, digestion, heartbeat, thus causing vascular spasms and, accordingly, the child receives a whole bunch of diseases. Causes of cramps in children are also associated with psychological stress, which very often occurs in those who are prematurely put at their desks.
Come to reception the girl's mother three and a half years. And complains that in kindergarten, the girl began to stutter. From the conversation I find out that baby "sits ill in the classroom, ten minutes drop from classes, silent if called to the Board to read a poem".
Mother sincerely believed that the problem — the child that the girl was too shy. What we have to work? It was clear that at the first consultation, the mother decides to change the garden. We prescribed a course of breathing exercises, singing and movement therapy. The girl went to kindergarten, but the teacher stopped her to call the Board — mom talked to them at our request. (Here and below, WE are a team of experts that is going to correct one or more children.)
A month later, the hesitation in speech began to appear only against the background of a strong shock. Then we added speech therapy and based rehabilitation, including sensory stimulation — painted hands "float" in the dry pool, played role-playing games. A month later my mother changed the girl's garden. In another garden a little and played a lot, talked with the children and normally answered during class. The level of intellectual classes in the group was quite physiological lessons in a game form, often just on the carpet. Studied the letters and numbers as shapes, colors, concepts one, many, part and whole -- a Girl now studying in hearing school, almost straight a student, and the family as a nightmare, remembering his confusion before stuttering.
What happened? Emotionally, physically and mentally normal child has got into a situation where you have experienced excessive stress, physiologically does not match its development. We spent unloading the program, which contributed to the reduction of tension and the return of the child in the direction of adequate development.
Human communication
Many of the children have psychological stress caused by other common cause of high intellectual potential coexists with a low level of socialization, emotional insensitivity. The more parents will seek to "develop" their superposable Chad, the sooner and the more manifest mental disorders, if the child has a tendency towards them. While without undue stress, the child could live a life of mentally healthy person, or violations would be seen only in older age.
For many young parents intellectual development of the emotional damage became the norm. Roll up mom once again will not caress the baby, don't kiss and not Pat it. Baby long rests in a wet diaper, mom is happy that it is light-weight, only interested in educational toys and not twisting at her apron. Two years a child begins to speak in long phrases and quote poetry. Parents rejoice again and give it to the language group. Up to three years everything is fine. And then the child becomes unruly, refuses to obey an adult, and sometimes stops speaking at all.
Of course, this paragraph cannot fully describe the spectrum of emotional and volitional problems, which is manifested severe mental illness, but the overall picture is as follows. In our center, and sponsored kindergartens we work with these children, play with them in a bodily-focused gameplay, accustom to independence, to inculcate the social skills and socially adapt children. Just started emotional correction allows the many to give to mass education, not alienates them from their peers. Unfortunately, there are cases when the parents do not listen to the recommendations and intellectually overwhelm the children. Children drop out of public life, transferred to home schooling often receive serious therapy with psychotropic drugs.
So I suggest if any contact with a son or daughter as early as possible to consult a specialist. Remember that the development of abilities can really suppress those functions that are in the body do not work well.
A second language — special topic
We would like to say about bilingual families. The teachers believe that the child immigrants are easy to get used to a new language environment, because the children's psyche is much more malleable than the psyche of adults. In fact, all this is true only for completely healthy children.
We need to remember this and parents who want to teach children a foreign language. The restrictions here are as follows: if the child has a slowdown of mental development, if it is in the first year of life had a delay in motor development, he is not to go to these classes without close supervision by a neurologist. A child who has no idea about right — left, inside — outside, bigger — smaller, not able to communicate with peers, hysterical or inhibited, will only get a negative charge for their own development. Forces of its organism is not enough to compensate the physiological delay, and intellectual push.
In the second grade mass of school attended by two sisters close in age. Junior has successfully learned the material covered, played outdoor games with their peers. At the reception the mother said the older girl in the first year of life was low, the later began to hold her head, roll over, didn't crawl, went to a year. Junior was growing perky and lazy, started to roll over at three months, crawled at six, showed the wonders of research and development activities in seven months learned to open boxes, eight or unbuttoning the zipper.
From Tajikistan, the family moved to Moscow, when the girls were 4 and 5 years. The eldest has closed on a new place of residence, although the intellectual level of development seems to be consistent with age. Little sister was well adjusted and had many friends in the yard she was sick less than the elder. In eight years, the eldest went to school at the same time with Junior. In the first year the problems were shared — a new team, new environment (the girls have not attended kindergarten). But in the second grade, the younger was a student, and the eldest fell into the Laggards.
On reception at the neurologist revealed a lot of problems. But we decided to start with sessions with a speech therapist and charge for the muscles of the tongue. Pretty soon the girl became more relaxed, it became more smooth and clear. The girl began to visit the group where they learned how to interact with their peers. Unfortunately, the process of rehabilitation in the school were not so successful — the children and teachers of the stereotype of the relationship with the girl. Mom was ready to transfer her to another school. But we went the other way. Became heavily involved with the girl, advised her to employ repeaters. Transferred it to individual training for a year, she mastered the program two years and passed on the results of the test in the fifth grade. Where the new kids and different teachers appreciated her abilities.
The problem with this family was that, in the unusual language environment, the girl experienced the problem of acute maladjustment. Immersion in a bilingual environment has become an irresistible social factor because the girl had health problems. published
Author: Elizabeth Melanchenko, neurologist
Source: www.7ya.ru/article/Ya-protiv-rannego-razvitiya/
I'm against early development!
Relatives think I'm lazy and irresponsible. I have three kids (eldest daughter of four and a half years), and I imagine, do not deal with them nor reading, nor writing, or mathematics. Moreover, I'm glad with grandparents children spend no more than six hours per week, of which training accounts for less than half. So, in the remaining time I will be able to reduce the negative effects of extremely high training activity. Why I advocate so unpopular in the modern world views? Come to me "secret knowledge" about the dangers of early intellectual development?
In our days on all sides is heard a word about the fact that we live in the "information society" that the key is intelligence. From this, many parents conclude that the child should get a huge intellectual burden from the cradle. This is seen as the key to a successful career, prosperous life and so on. Really early start is not always an advantage. We will try to substantiate this approach and illustrate it with concrete examples.
To the detriment of health
As a neurologist I have to advise and treat children with headache, involuntary movements (tics), urinary incontinence. Every week I give to kids who have these symptoms appeared within one month from the beginning of any kind of intellectual activity. Are these symptoms only when the parents decide to change the mode of day and rest of the child and strip him of the lion's share of intellectual activity.
Why is this happening? The fact that the child's brain Matures gradually. First Mature nervous centers responsible for respiration and digestion and then by the movement and only then emotional control, the will and reading. If forced to follow this sequence, if you start to develop reading centers before the previous one Matures, the development of a child can deviate from the norm.
Excessive intellectual stress causes the blood flow to the cerebral cortex. When this is depleted the blood supply to the centers responsible for breathing, digestion, heartbeat, thus causing vascular spasms and, accordingly, the child receives a whole bunch of diseases. Causes of cramps in children are also associated with psychological stress, which very often occurs in those who are prematurely put at their desks.
Come to reception the girl's mother three and a half years. And complains that in kindergarten, the girl began to stutter. From the conversation I find out that baby "sits ill in the classroom, ten minutes drop from classes, silent if called to the Board to read a poem".
Mother sincerely believed that the problem — the child that the girl was too shy. What we have to work? It was clear that at the first consultation, the mother decides to change the garden. We prescribed a course of breathing exercises, singing and movement therapy. The girl went to kindergarten, but the teacher stopped her to call the Board — mom talked to them at our request. (Here and below, WE are a team of experts that is going to correct one or more children.)
A month later, the hesitation in speech began to appear only against the background of a strong shock. Then we added speech therapy and based rehabilitation, including sensory stimulation — painted hands "float" in the dry pool, played role-playing games. A month later my mother changed the girl's garden. In another garden a little and played a lot, talked with the children and normally answered during class. The level of intellectual classes in the group was quite physiological lessons in a game form, often just on the carpet. Studied the letters and numbers as shapes, colors, concepts one, many, part and whole -- a Girl now studying in hearing school, almost straight a student, and the family as a nightmare, remembering his confusion before stuttering.
What happened? Emotionally, physically and mentally normal child has got into a situation where you have experienced excessive stress, physiologically does not match its development. We spent unloading the program, which contributed to the reduction of tension and the return of the child in the direction of adequate development.
Human communication
Many of the children have psychological stress caused by other common cause of high intellectual potential coexists with a low level of socialization, emotional insensitivity. The more parents will seek to "develop" their superposable Chad, the sooner and the more manifest mental disorders, if the child has a tendency towards them. While without undue stress, the child could live a life of mentally healthy person, or violations would be seen only in older age.
For many young parents intellectual development of the emotional damage became the norm. Roll up mom once again will not caress the baby, don't kiss and not Pat it. Baby long rests in a wet diaper, mom is happy that it is light-weight, only interested in educational toys and not twisting at her apron. Two years a child begins to speak in long phrases and quote poetry. Parents rejoice again and give it to the language group. Up to three years everything is fine. And then the child becomes unruly, refuses to obey an adult, and sometimes stops speaking at all.
Of course, this paragraph cannot fully describe the spectrum of emotional and volitional problems, which is manifested severe mental illness, but the overall picture is as follows. In our center, and sponsored kindergartens we work with these children, play with them in a bodily-focused gameplay, accustom to independence, to inculcate the social skills and socially adapt children. Just started emotional correction allows the many to give to mass education, not alienates them from their peers. Unfortunately, there are cases when the parents do not listen to the recommendations and intellectually overwhelm the children. Children drop out of public life, transferred to home schooling often receive serious therapy with psychotropic drugs.
So I suggest if any contact with a son or daughter as early as possible to consult a specialist. Remember that the development of abilities can really suppress those functions that are in the body do not work well.
A second language — special topic
We would like to say about bilingual families. The teachers believe that the child immigrants are easy to get used to a new language environment, because the children's psyche is much more malleable than the psyche of adults. In fact, all this is true only for completely healthy children.
We need to remember this and parents who want to teach children a foreign language. The restrictions here are as follows: if the child has a slowdown of mental development, if it is in the first year of life had a delay in motor development, he is not to go to these classes without close supervision by a neurologist. A child who has no idea about right — left, inside — outside, bigger — smaller, not able to communicate with peers, hysterical or inhibited, will only get a negative charge for their own development. Forces of its organism is not enough to compensate the physiological delay, and intellectual push.
In the second grade mass of school attended by two sisters close in age. Junior has successfully learned the material covered, played outdoor games with their peers. At the reception the mother said the older girl in the first year of life was low, the later began to hold her head, roll over, didn't crawl, went to a year. Junior was growing perky and lazy, started to roll over at three months, crawled at six, showed the wonders of research and development activities in seven months learned to open boxes, eight or unbuttoning the zipper.
From Tajikistan, the family moved to Moscow, when the girls were 4 and 5 years. The eldest has closed on a new place of residence, although the intellectual level of development seems to be consistent with age. Little sister was well adjusted and had many friends in the yard she was sick less than the elder. In eight years, the eldest went to school at the same time with Junior. In the first year the problems were shared — a new team, new environment (the girls have not attended kindergarten). But in the second grade, the younger was a student, and the eldest fell into the Laggards.
On reception at the neurologist revealed a lot of problems. But we decided to start with sessions with a speech therapist and charge for the muscles of the tongue. Pretty soon the girl became more relaxed, it became more smooth and clear. The girl began to visit the group where they learned how to interact with their peers. Unfortunately, the process of rehabilitation in the school were not so successful — the children and teachers of the stereotype of the relationship with the girl. Mom was ready to transfer her to another school. But we went the other way. Became heavily involved with the girl, advised her to employ repeaters. Transferred it to individual training for a year, she mastered the program two years and passed on the results of the test in the fifth grade. Where the new kids and different teachers appreciated her abilities.
The problem with this family was that, in the unusual language environment, the girl experienced the problem of acute maladjustment. Immersion in a bilingual environment has become an irresistible social factor because the girl had health problems. published
Author: Elizabeth Melanchenko, neurologist
Source: www.7ya.ru/article/Ya-protiv-rannego-razvitiya/