Why the need for scary stories
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Have you ever wondered: "why the need For scary stories?"And their folk wisdom a lot. Remember a few scenes and you will understand: someone someone ate ("Red hat", "Gingerbread man", "Fly Tsokotukha"), then crushed ("Teremok", "mitten"), then froze (Morozko, etc.) are Terrible heroes or villains in Russian folk tales are present in considerable quantities.
Yes, kids love scary stories and history. And teenagers generally get together and tell horror. What for? And whether the parents actually read it and allow teenagers to experience?
At any age people, hearing different stories, identificeret itself, with participants in the events. Happy or upset with them (but remember: we are more attracted to bad news, and this is a very cool use of the information channels). And children read exactly what connected with their disturbing themes.
The tale is a storehouse of folk wisdom, which, accompanying the child from birth, helps it easier to pass the inevitable crises on the path of development, to experience them in the way fairy tale characters. At the same time, listening to the terrible tale, the child is to learn to experience fear. Subsequently, faced with the real unpleasant situations, it is to a certain extent will have to be prepared. Especially difficult for kids feelings of fear of birth (as posttrauma) and death . Therefore, people's stories are often associated with eating and destruction. For older children we wish, but at the same time, intimate and interpersonal relationships, and they are also experiencing by means of fairy tales and their contrived stories: "snow white and the seven dwarfs," "little Red riding hood" (to meet a stranger in the woods), "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" (he chooses one of three maidens to wife – living through the experience of rejection and the desire to be accepted, together to overcome adversity and the fact that her marriage).... In addition, in many subjects it displaces death and affirms the immortality of the main characters.
To some extent the experience of fear is necessary for the child, it saturates the psyche of the protective "fear" restrains the aggressive emotions frightening images. The ability to experience fear is also necessary in order to love, to overcome needed during the first months of life the all-consuming self-love (narcissism). Note that only one character in the tale is able to marry who knows what fear is. This feeling is projected on images of Baba Yaga, Koshcheev, devil, Evil wolf…
Watch and playing children. They build stories from the conflict that is experienced and personal situations, thereby helping yourself to find not only the yield and solution, but also to reduce emotional tension.
Let's learn from children! In a scary, disturbing moments "do not hide your head in the sand", and go to meet your problem. Talk about her, strengthen her, primivite so much until you don't get bored and would not cause, perhaps, a smile.
Remember! Terrible where do not know where you still survived, and only thinking. Take a step towards your fear and it will open you a new opportunity! published
Author: Hope Leus
Source: www.b17.ru/article/29401/
Have you ever wondered: "why the need For scary stories?"And their folk wisdom a lot. Remember a few scenes and you will understand: someone someone ate ("Red hat", "Gingerbread man", "Fly Tsokotukha"), then crushed ("Teremok", "mitten"), then froze (Morozko, etc.) are Terrible heroes or villains in Russian folk tales are present in considerable quantities.
Yes, kids love scary stories and history. And teenagers generally get together and tell horror. What for? And whether the parents actually read it and allow teenagers to experience?
At any age people, hearing different stories, identificeret itself, with participants in the events. Happy or upset with them (but remember: we are more attracted to bad news, and this is a very cool use of the information channels). And children read exactly what connected with their disturbing themes.
The tale is a storehouse of folk wisdom, which, accompanying the child from birth, helps it easier to pass the inevitable crises on the path of development, to experience them in the way fairy tale characters. At the same time, listening to the terrible tale, the child is to learn to experience fear. Subsequently, faced with the real unpleasant situations, it is to a certain extent will have to be prepared. Especially difficult for kids feelings of fear of birth (as posttrauma) and death . Therefore, people's stories are often associated with eating and destruction. For older children we wish, but at the same time, intimate and interpersonal relationships, and they are also experiencing by means of fairy tales and their contrived stories: "snow white and the seven dwarfs," "little Red riding hood" (to meet a stranger in the woods), "the Tale of Tsar Saltan" (he chooses one of three maidens to wife – living through the experience of rejection and the desire to be accepted, together to overcome adversity and the fact that her marriage).... In addition, in many subjects it displaces death and affirms the immortality of the main characters.
To some extent the experience of fear is necessary for the child, it saturates the psyche of the protective "fear" restrains the aggressive emotions frightening images. The ability to experience fear is also necessary in order to love, to overcome needed during the first months of life the all-consuming self-love (narcissism). Note that only one character in the tale is able to marry who knows what fear is. This feeling is projected on images of Baba Yaga, Koshcheev, devil, Evil wolf…
Watch and playing children. They build stories from the conflict that is experienced and personal situations, thereby helping yourself to find not only the yield and solution, but also to reduce emotional tension.
Let's learn from children! In a scary, disturbing moments "do not hide your head in the sand", and go to meet your problem. Talk about her, strengthen her, primivite so much until you don't get bored and would not cause, perhaps, a smile.
Remember! Terrible where do not know where you still survived, and only thinking. Take a step towards your fear and it will open you a new opportunity! published
Author: Hope Leus
Source: www.b17.ru/article/29401/