Garden without chemicals: 12 gold tips
Fifty three million twenty seven thousand fifty six
• TOBACCO, SHAG. Used against aphids, medanic, thrips, young caterpillars, leaf rollers, cabbage moth, onion fly, the winter moth, ringed silkworm, cruciferous flea beetles, spider mites, whiteflies, slugs and other pests. Use the leaves, stems and dust resulting from the drying of tobacco. For 10 l of water take 400 g of crushed raw materials or dust, kept for 2 days and filtered. Before spraying, diluted in 2 times and add 40 g of soap per 10 liters Sprayed with an interval of 5-8 days 2-3 times.
The processing of the tobacco dust is effective against flea beetles on vegetable crops against onion fly, preferably in mixture with lime or ash (1:1). The flow rate of the mixture 10 to 20 g/m2.
• TOBACCO DUST used for fumigating greenhouses against aphids, thrips and whiteflies (5-10 g per 1 m3) and in the garden – and fruit against Codling moth, psylla, aphids. Against moths fumigation is carried out during the summer butterflies against a sucker – after flowering of Apple. A small heap of straw, garbage, twigs are placed in the aisles of the garden one per 100 m2. Poured on top of 2-4 kg of tobacco dust and fire. The fumigation continuing for at least 30 minutes (usually 2 hours).
• INFUSION OF DANDELION AGAINST APHIDS, SPIDER MITES, MEDANIC. Take 300 grams of crushed leaves or 200 g of dandelion roots. Insist 3 hours in warm water in the container 10 liters. Use immediately. This extract is sprayed the first time in the period of Bud break and the second time after flowering.
• MIXED INFUSION OF DANDELION FROM APHIDS, SPIDER MITES. 400 grams of dandelion, and 200 grams of minced garlic, 1 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp hot pepper. Add water, infuse 5 hours, filter, and fill to 10 liters. The treatment is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.
• THE INFUSION OF THE PEELS OF ORANGES AND TANGERINES — AGAINST APHIDS. 1kg of dry crusts, pour 10 liters of warm water. Put in a warm place for 4 days. Infusion is not diluted.
• INFUSION OF ONION — AGAINST CATERPILLARS, APHIDS, RASPBERRY BEETLE. Finely slice the onions 10 g per 1 liter. Or husks 10 g per 1 liter. To insist 7 hours. Press and process plants.
• TOMATO EXTRACT — AGAINST CATERPILLARS. Chop the leaves and roots of tomatoes 4 lbs. to cover with water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat. Filter, dilute 3 times. Add 40 g of soap. Spray.
• INFUSION OF PINE NEEDLES AGAINST APHIDS, MEDANIC. 2 kg of pine needles infuse in 8 liters of water for 7 days. Protsedit. Before use dilute to 10 times.
• INFUSION OF CONIFEROUS CONCENTRATE AGAINST CATERPILLARS. In a bucket pour 4 tablespoons of pine concentrate. Stir well. The treatment is carried out at least 4 times. Can this solution be mixed with liquid fertilizers for plant nutrition.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST PHYTOPHTHORA, CATERPILLARS, AND APHIDS. 250 g of crushed cloves garlic, infused for 5 days in a sealed container in the dark. Protsedit. For spraying the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST MITES, APHIDS, MEDANIC. 200 g of garlic minced, pour 10 liters of water. Infuse for 1 day. Before processing the infusion add 40 g of soap. Soap dissolving in advance.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST PHYTOPHTHORA. For 1 bucket of water take 30-60 grams of crushed garlic. Insist 1-2 days, strain and spray the bushes of tomatoes in the fruit.published
Source: /users/1077
• TOBACCO, SHAG. Used against aphids, medanic, thrips, young caterpillars, leaf rollers, cabbage moth, onion fly, the winter moth, ringed silkworm, cruciferous flea beetles, spider mites, whiteflies, slugs and other pests. Use the leaves, stems and dust resulting from the drying of tobacco. For 10 l of water take 400 g of crushed raw materials or dust, kept for 2 days and filtered. Before spraying, diluted in 2 times and add 40 g of soap per 10 liters Sprayed with an interval of 5-8 days 2-3 times.
The processing of the tobacco dust is effective against flea beetles on vegetable crops against onion fly, preferably in mixture with lime or ash (1:1). The flow rate of the mixture 10 to 20 g/m2.
• TOBACCO DUST used for fumigating greenhouses against aphids, thrips and whiteflies (5-10 g per 1 m3) and in the garden – and fruit against Codling moth, psylla, aphids. Against moths fumigation is carried out during the summer butterflies against a sucker – after flowering of Apple. A small heap of straw, garbage, twigs are placed in the aisles of the garden one per 100 m2. Poured on top of 2-4 kg of tobacco dust and fire. The fumigation continuing for at least 30 minutes (usually 2 hours).
• INFUSION OF DANDELION AGAINST APHIDS, SPIDER MITES, MEDANIC. Take 300 grams of crushed leaves or 200 g of dandelion roots. Insist 3 hours in warm water in the container 10 liters. Use immediately. This extract is sprayed the first time in the period of Bud break and the second time after flowering.
• MIXED INFUSION OF DANDELION FROM APHIDS, SPIDER MITES. 400 grams of dandelion, and 200 grams of minced garlic, 1 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp hot pepper. Add water, infuse 5 hours, filter, and fill to 10 liters. The treatment is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.
• THE INFUSION OF THE PEELS OF ORANGES AND TANGERINES — AGAINST APHIDS. 1kg of dry crusts, pour 10 liters of warm water. Put in a warm place for 4 days. Infusion is not diluted.
• INFUSION OF ONION — AGAINST CATERPILLARS, APHIDS, RASPBERRY BEETLE. Finely slice the onions 10 g per 1 liter. Or husks 10 g per 1 liter. To insist 7 hours. Press and process plants.
• TOMATO EXTRACT — AGAINST CATERPILLARS. Chop the leaves and roots of tomatoes 4 lbs. to cover with water. Boil for 30 minutes on low heat. Filter, dilute 3 times. Add 40 g of soap. Spray.
• INFUSION OF PINE NEEDLES AGAINST APHIDS, MEDANIC. 2 kg of pine needles infuse in 8 liters of water for 7 days. Protsedit. Before use dilute to 10 times.
• INFUSION OF CONIFEROUS CONCENTRATE AGAINST CATERPILLARS. In a bucket pour 4 tablespoons of pine concentrate. Stir well. The treatment is carried out at least 4 times. Can this solution be mixed with liquid fertilizers for plant nutrition.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST PHYTOPHTHORA, CATERPILLARS, AND APHIDS. 250 g of crushed cloves garlic, infused for 5 days in a sealed container in the dark. Protsedit. For spraying the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST MITES, APHIDS, MEDANIC. 200 g of garlic minced, pour 10 liters of water. Infuse for 1 day. Before processing the infusion add 40 g of soap. Soap dissolving in advance.
• INFUSION OF GARLIC AGAINST PHYTOPHTHORA. For 1 bucket of water take 30-60 grams of crushed garlic. Insist 1-2 days, strain and spray the bushes of tomatoes in the fruit.published
Source: /users/1077