8 curious puzzles for curious minds

Want to confuse your friends or make your grey matter a little work? Then try to guess these entertaining puzzles. (Answers are given at the end, but you mustn't cheat!)
1. Count to three
If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two. But if you have only one, you don't have any. What is it?
2. Who am I?I can be quick, and in a moment – dead. I'm a mixture of stone, shells and bones. If I became a man, I'd make people dream. I consist of million of particles through the streams, the seas and oceans. Who am I?
3. Game citricola 99 more than 100?
4. In telemedicine went to the hotel by car. As soon as he reached the hotel, it declared bankruptcy. Why?
5. Hint: it's not your muesli pronounce my name, I disappear. Who or what am I?
6. The doctor and malcolmist is on the road with the doctor. The boy is the son of a doctor, but the doctor is not the boy's father. Who's the doctor?
7. Indecisive izobretatelskogo who invented it, would not want to have it for yourself. The person who buys it, buys it for himself. The man who needs it knows about it. What is it?
8. With years mologen 2000 the writer was 50 years old, and in 2010 he was 40 years old. How is this possible?

1) Select
2) Sand
3) Microwave – if you set it to 99 it will work for 1 minute and 39 seconds, but if you set it to "100", it will work for 1 minute
4) the Man is playing Monopoly, but he gets the property, for which he can't pay the rent
5) Silence
6) the Doctor is the mother
7) Coffin
8) the Writer lived in the era before our era, not our era.
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/78274