Freedom of choice in the shores of certainty

Life is a river of freedom in the shores of certainty, i.e. the flow of our chosen transformations in the context of universal laws of the cosmos. In contrast to the certainty of predestination of all events is a consequence of free choice, which was made by the individual himself or his ancestors. The choices of previous generations have shaped our genetics, gave good health or, on the contrary, was the cause of hereditary diseases. Our own second carry choice is also gradually becoming a predetermination.
Individual astrological chart as a map geographic, contains information about the terrain of our lives, but does not impose any routes. It shows the rise of, here's a ravine, there is an impassable swamp, there is a sharp turn and this road leads to a dead end. How to make a choice where to go, we decide yourself.
The persistent attempts to evade the choice, too, of course, a peculiar choice. But when we have too long treading water and begin to interfere with the development of other people, fate drags us through life "forcibly". As they say, the stars point the way and illuminate the road only one who listens to their advice, all the others they ruthlessly on this road dragged.
This is not just a beautiful metaphor. The fact that physically the planet act as spherical opaque lenses, which focus the so-called vapirova radiation emanating from the stars: x-rays, radio waves, etc. Under the influence of a specific "chords" of these rays in the us Wake up the diverse needs and aspirations.
In the horoscope it is possible to know to what period of our lives aktiviziruyutsya one or the other problem, what are the best methods and the timing of its decisions. But are we really going to solve it, but if we are, how and at whose expense, depends only on us, from the exercise of our free will. So accumulating karma for exemption from determinism or increases it.
Horoscope is written in God's script we should implement on the stage of life. To paraphrase the great Stanislavsky, we can say: there are no small roles in life, and an unfortunate horoscope, are the small people. They are lazy, envious, overwhelmed by pride and other vices. They are a pleasure to write off their flaws on others and horoscopes. This is a consequence of their free choice in favor of the negative traits of his own character.
There are also people with congenital disabilities — they bear the heavy burden of wrong choices of their parents. In some families, mums led an unhealthy lifestyle, in other distant relatives railed about the little man, all from the plane of freedom moved into the plane of predestination — both for themselves and for their descendants.
However, it would be wrong to blame someone of their parents or distant ancestors in our problems, because in some sense we are them. In our veins flows the blood of them, we use the extracted knowledge, inherit their property. Growing up, we similarly pass on their genes to the children, we dress our kids as we like, and force them to do what they themselves deem it necessary. We very clearly show our personality in our children — even if throw them to their fate in the hospital.
Adults somehow it often seems that only they bear the print of freedom or determinism, but to the children this is not true, the alleged children of tabula rasa, a blank slate on which parents can draw whatever they want. This often becomes a paradoxical form: the more we impose on the child a certain line of behavior, the faster he starts to behave the opposite way. But even in this case we get nothing as the result of his own free choice of what and how to teach little man.
Horoscope is something like a heavenly instructions attached to a piece of matter (the human body) and a unique set of patterns (events). This manual written by stars all over the sky and is covered with moles, lines on our palms, the bulges on the skull and many other space characters. Our task is to "make seams" in the right places, i.e. to find causal relationships between seemingly unrelated events. And thus become the master of your own destiny, to get what pleases that beautifies and warms life. But if will replace at their discretion a couple of patterns let pritchel sleeves to the pants, naturally, will suffer from weight predefined inconvenience.
Therefore, by and large, those are right who does not believe in freedom nor in predestination. Day and night they pray the Lord to forgive them, humudity and to bestow grace. However, the right and those who want everything in life to achieve on their own. These people empirically learn the laws of the universe and realize the limits of their current capabilities.
You need both. As they say, God is God, and he is not bad either. You are free to do as you please, but really good results will get only when it becomes strictly observe the divine commandments and the strict laws of the cosmos.
Any trouble is an action "perekisi" energy not found in your life favorable channel. Personal horoscope helps to know when and under what circumstances you have such problems. Realizing their essence in advance it is possible to learn to solve them by the example of others — it was essential to help many people. Then in your life or not will be such troubles or they take the form of a "slight indisposition".
Moreover, as astrologers say, even if someone is destined to spend long years in hospital, there is nothing stopping him from becoming her patient, and physician. published
Source: bez-granic.ru/index.php/2013-08-04-13-26-15/vse-rubriki-zhurnala/voprosyoglavnom/1673-reka-svobody-v-beregakh-opredelennosti.html